Chapter 16: Gone

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Jungkook POV

I'm signing a few papers as I see the red blinking light coming from the laptop on my desk. I had a few surveillance cameras installed through the entire mansion if something were to ever happen again and it'll notify me immediately.

I open the laptop screen and see the Bodyguards dead on the ground even maids swallowed in their blood. I look for y/n and I can't find her anywhere in the house.

The thoughts are accelerating inside my head. I want them to slow down so I can breathe but they won't. My breaths come in gasps and I feel like I will black out. My heart is hammering inside my chest. The room spins but stops after I snap myself together.

I grab my car keys and run out the office ignoring my name being called by workers. Once I get in my car I step on the gas and pass multiple red lights. I tune out the car horns and shouts from other angry drivers.

I arrive at my home and get out the car. I rush inside the doors wide open. There is a trail of small footprints covered in blood.

"Y/n" I mumble

I walk past the dead bodies and run up the stairs to the bedroom. I scream her name at the top of the lungs hoping for her small figure to crawl out of her hidden spot.

But unfortunately that isn't the case. They took her...

They took my life...

They took my world...

They took my purpose of living...

They took y/n...

Interrupting my thoughts the phone ringing echoes throughout the room. It takes me a few seconds before I pull it out of my pocket and answer.

Phone call:

Jungkook: hello (exasperated)

???: Jungkook


???: don't threat she's fine... for now


???: if you want her back in one piece then wait for further instructions

Jungkook: JIMIN I S-

End of phone call (Jimin hung up)

What the hell does he want?!
I shouldn't have left her alone. I should have stayed home and taken care of her.

Y/n I'll hold you in my arms and this time I'll never let go. You are my euphoria y/n.

I remember when I first laid eyes on y/n.  It was a warm summer day with perfect weather. She wore a pair of black jeans with sandals and a white button up blouse. Her luxury hair shining in the coffee shop.

Before her I didn't know my reason for living. She brought me happiness from simply seeing her gorgeous features. I was never one to be shy or coward, I'm king of the mafia but she made me shamelessly coward. I observed her from afar till I built up the courage to walk into the coffee shop.

I can still vividly remember her rose petal sent when I passed by her. She always typed or read a book in the coffee shop. I started to come in everyday and learned her routine.

I had stalked her for awhile before I built up the courage to ask her on a date after all the research I did. When I walked up to her for the first time and uttered a few words, her kind smile captured me. Her eyes glisten as they stare into mine and perfect rosy lips. I wanted to kiss her right then and there but refrain from doing so.

Her whole aroma and being blew me away. She's so innocent and I stained her.

Jimin you'll regret touching her. You haven't seen what I'm capable of yet.


I know it's a really short chapter but I've haven't had time to write. I promise I'll update sooner this Time and make it longer💜

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