Chapter 17: Coming For You

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" Love is when the other person's happiness is more important than your own" ~quote

Your POV

Your head is pounding against your skull. You slowly bring your hand to the area where your head hurts with your eyes still closed. You feel a bump and hiss at the soft touch. Suddenly everything comes rushing back to you.

Your breathing is so heavy that it hurts as it pushes through your lungs your eyes are wide as they try to take in as much as they can through the darkness.

"Where am I?" You mumble to no one in particular, breathing heavily. You attempt to stand up but your legs are numb. You check to see if your cuffed and to your dismay you weren't.

You hear a creak and footsteps can be heard walking towards you. Suddenly a bright light blinds you and put your hands up to block it out.

" finally your awake" a voice says but your vision is still a bit blurry.

" why am I here?! Who are you?!" You ask exasperated. The man walks closer that you can finally make out his face and realize it's the same guy who stroke you with his gun on the back of your head knocking you unconscious.

" Park Jimin and for your reason of being here well that's not important right now" he jokes cockily

" who am I going to tell? I'm locked in here so tell me" you demand boldly not phased by Jimin.

He cocks up his eyebrow and bites his lip amusingly. " your my bait"

Bait? To entrap Jungkook? Why? What did he do to have this much hatred towards him? It was evident at the party that they hated each other but to this extreme of involving people's lives is to much.

" why? What did he do to anger you this much?" You ask pushing yourself off the cold floor.

" your interesting, I now know why Jungkook is so captivated by you" he says almost as if he's jealous or hurt.

Before you could say anything else and ask what the hell he meant by that he walks out closing the door but this time their is a small amount of light coming from the lightbulb above.

~3 hours later~

Your sitting against the wall in a cornor opposite of the door. Holding your knees against your chest.

Your cold.

Your starving.

And your head still hurts.

"Yah!!!" You scream at the top of your lungs to hopefully get Jimin or someone
to come down here. You continue to shout and it works when the door is swung open and their stands Park Jimin.

He's wearing a different attire this time. A white shirt and dark blue pants. His hair is wet and messy like he had taken a shower not to long ago.

" why are you yelling? It's a nuisance" he spats annoyed

" I wouldn't yell if I wasn't hungry and cold." You spat back

He sighs and walks towards you. He observes you for a good minute before
speaking. " fine I'll have food brought down and a blanket but that's all your getting"

" noted that's all I want to make my stay a bit more comfortable" you sarcastically say and he snickers and rolls his eyes.

He leaves and the bodyguards who guard the door watch over you since the door is left open.

A few minutes pass by and Jimin brings a tray of food and underneath a small blanket. He places the tray down and you  see the sandwich and water in the cup. Next to the water is two pills. Your assuming pain medication.

" I'll pay a visit later" and walks out with the bodyguards closing the door. You lay the blanket on your legs and that's all it covers. It's really small like for a young child but it's better than nothing.

You pop one pill in and swallow.

Jimin POV

Holding the photographs of Jungkook with y/n at the mall, my fist tighten. I throw the photos to the coffee table scattering.

I glance at my watch that's on my wrist. She should be knocked out now. I get up from the couch running my hand through my hair.

I go downstairs to the basement and into the holding area. I see her laying on the ground with the tiny blanket on her lower body.

" boss why did you feed her and give her a blanket?" My subordinate asks since it is usual of me to feed and care for a hostage.

" I knew she wouldn't take the pill unless I was kind to her. So she believes it was a mere pain killer when it was actually a sleeping pill" I explain

" take her " I order and walk out.

Jungkook POV

I grab all my men and head to Jimin's mansion. I load my gun and have a backup under my shirt.

" Jungkook, your orders?" Taehyung asks as he drives.

" getting y/n back" I say

" understood"

We pull up and my men deploy with guns in their hands. I have them surround the mansion. No one is leaving...alive.

" if you find y/n, do not touch her and inform me, now move out" I order

They break down the front and back doors entering like wasps. Taehyung covers me and we search the place for y/n and Jimin.

Gun shots echo throughout the halls and I know y/n despises the sound of a gun firing. It scares her that she covers her ears and shuts her eyes tightly.

Don't worry y/n I've come for you.

" there's no sign of Y/n or Jimin, only mere guards" Taehyung says and angrily I shoot one of Jimin's men who's now dead.

" Jungkook I've asked them all but their silent" Taehyung advices and I'm getting pissed off even more.

*phone rings*

I grab my phone from my pants pocket and no doubt it's Jimin. I answer.

Jimin: having fun?

Jungkook: Where the fuck is y/n?!

Jimin: with me safe and sound...for now

Jungkook: stop playing games and meet me head on!

Jimin: alright, meet me at Xxxx ohh and before I hang up she wants to say hi.

Y/n: Jungkook, I'm terrified

Jungkook: I know baby but I'm coming for you, I love you

Jimin: don't be late I wouldn't want her pretty face to be scarred


Jimin: that's entirely up to you

*end of phone call*

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