Chapter 34: Planning

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*two months have passed*

Your POV

You wake up in Jungkook's strong arms. His hands wrapped tightly around your petite body.

You try to quietly get out of his hold without waking him up. He's been working longer hours than usual and sometimes doesn't even come home so you want him to get his rest.

You slowly lift his arm and attempt to get out when your pulled back into the bed. He pins you down and is on top of you.

"I thought you were asleep" you say completely flustered.

"You thought wrong" he says and starts leaving kisses on your forehead then cheeks before he makes his way to your lips. He licks your bottom lip before biting down causing a small
moan to leave your lips.

He trails down to your neck and places wet kisses. His hand then slides under your t-shirt and before he can do anything further the baby starts crying.

He pulls apart and you get off the bed to check on the baby while he turns off the baby monitor.

You go into the nursery and Jaehyun was the one who is crying. You grab him gently and rock him slowly in your arms. Jungkook then enters and checks on Jieun.

" I want to spend alone time with you" Jungkook says while you feed Jaehyun.

" I literally see you almost everyday" you laugh

"The babies keep interrupting though" he whines cutely

" well their babies and you need to stop acting like one" You retort and he pouts

" don't you miss having me all to yourself, not worrying of who might hear us when your moaning out my name or-"

"Yah! Stop it" you scold him

" so you don't miss just the two of us?" He asks a slight change in tone

"What?" You question and your son has enough of the formula and place him back into the crib.

"Did I stutter?!" His voice escalates

"I love being a mom, do you not love them?" You dare ask

" of course I do but I miss us" he yells

"Shh! You'll wake them up!" You whisper

He grabs your arm and drags you outside the nursery and back into the bedroom.

" I miss having you to myself" he says calmer

"What are you talking about? I'm home all the time and I see you almost every night" you try to reason

" you know what I mean" He spats

"I really don't" You scoff and it seems to have pissed him off

" don't play coy with me y/n" he says bitterly

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