Chapter 9: Realize

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Your POV

We enter the banquet hall and your eyes widen at how beautiful it looks. Chandeliers hanged in the middle and the elegant setup. The smell of champagne infiltrates your nose as waiters walk around with glasses full. You can barely hear the violin playing in the background of all the chatter amongst the guest.

The second Jungkook takes a step making himself more noticeable people immediately stop and stare at us. You start to feel nervous but Jungkook doesn't seem fazed one bit. He likes seeing the people fear him. It gives him a sense of power and dominance over them.

Out of no where a man dressed in a fancy suit approaches Jungkook with a witty smile.

" would it kill you to smile your scaring my guests" he says laughing and to your surprise Jungkook cracks a small smile. Although to you it's obvious it's fake, you know his real smiles from the fake ones.

" and who might this fine woman be?" He refers to you and Jungkook furrow his brows and tightens his grip around your waist.

" this is my girlfriend" Jungkook simply replies with a blank face emphasizing 'my'.

" nice to meet you miss..." the man says clearly frightened by Jungkook.

" I'm y/n, nice to meet you" you smile at him since you can't extend your hand to shake his since Jungkook would get furious.

" I'm Namjoon" he replies and excuses himself to greet other guests who are just arriving.

" what did I say about speaking to other men" he whispers into your ear in a strict tone sending a chill down your spine.

" you can't control me" you hiss which you quickly regret as his nails dig into your side.

" wanna bet" he says coldly, anger flashes through his eyes. You nod no and he creepily smiles. " good girl" is all he says before taking you to the dance floor.

" you know I hate dancing" you whine

" I know but too bad" he says and flashes you a devilish grin. Your mentally roll your eyes when suddenly he pulls you to his body, placing an arm around your lower back and the other holding your hand. By instinct you place your hand on his shoulder and with the other hand you intertwine your fingers with his.

" you could have asked nicely" you say looking up to him.

" I hate asking besides your mine" he grins as we slowly dance to the violin music.

" what does being yours have anything to do with it? And when did I ever agree to be yours?" You scoff

" I take what I want and I don't need permission" is all he responds while staring at your eyes. It's as if he's peering into your life.

" sorry to break it to you but that's not how it works" you say when Jungkook spins you once and then return to the same position.

" you should know by now that that's exactly how it works" he smirks and tightens his hold on you.

You drop the subject since it's going no where and at the end you'll be the one losing. You and Jungkook continue to dance beautifully in sync with one another.

Once the song is over however Jungkook wraps an arm around you escorting you to the bar to grab a drink but as you walk someone calls Jungkook's attention stopping him in his tracks.

" ahh Jungkook it's been so long" a guy says who is seated at the table stopping Jungkook from walking any further.

"Jimin didn't think I'd see you here" is all Jungkook says and he doesn't seem happy one bit to see him in fact he looks annoyed.

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