Chapter 30: Decision

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~Jungkook POV~

" you have to choose between your girlfriend's life or your kids lives" the doctor says once more

The world has gone mute. My heart stops and breathing becomes harder to do. Knots form in my stomach as my heart stammers.

Did I hear correctly? I'm not imagining this am I?

I love y/n so much that without her by my side I'll go insane more than I already am. She is my everything. I can't even begin to imagine my life without her.

" sir she's asking to see you" the same doctor says

" I thought-"

"she's currently stable but she and the twins can die at any moment so it's crucial you make an imperative decision fast"

" I will after I talk to her" I say and follow him into the room y/n is staying in. I walk in and I see the scratches she has on her face and cuts on her arms and hands . She notices me and smiles brightly as if everything is okay.

"Jungkook, save the twins" she says in a low voice not being able to speak so loudly

"b-but" I stutter not believing what I was told. How could I especially when I've only ever loved y/n. No girl can ever compare to her. I've seen and dated girls but none made an impression like y/n did. She is so innocent and pure. She is so kind and gentle to the touch. Even when finding out who I really was she understood and stayed with me.

" Please Jungkook I need you to choose our kids over me" she says again

" what? no! I- I can't" I stutter

" don't be selfish please Jungkook" she says softly

" your the one who is being selfish, I can't live in a world where I don't have you in my life" I yell my eyes watering.

" you will have a part of me, little Jaehyun and Jieun" she says and I remember how happy y/n was when we decided those names for them.

" I can't raise them on my own" my voice begins to crack

" yes you can, I know that after I'm gone you'll be a great father, promise me you will tell them how much I love them" she cries at the end but continues to smile.

"You can tell them yourself y/n, we can always have more kids-"

" Jaehyun and Jieun deserve to live"

"So do you y/n! Why are you giving up?!" I raise my voice as I sob

" the doctor said that only one of us could live and I rather die than have them die" she says

" screw the doctor there has to be another way we'll go to another hospital or have another doctor, anything but this!" I lost my composure and  cried harder and the words that left my mouth could barely be understood.

" we don't have time Jungkook and before I go I need you to know how much I truly love you despite all the hell we have been through." she says and it sounds like she is saying her goodbyes and I can't lose her.

The doors open and the rest of the guys come in already with tears in their eyes.

Your POV

" Jin thank you for cooking food for me and I hope you will continue to cook for Jaehyun and Jieun"

" Namjoon thank you for worrying about me and checking on me all the time"

" Hoseok you always made me laugh when I was upset and I want you to make them smile too"

" Yoongi I will always be grateful for helping me during my pregnancy and keeping things from Jungkook when asked"

" Jimin I know we got off kind of weird but you risked your life for me and protected me when Jungkook couldn't so thank you"

"Taehyung you have been by my side and helped me out in any way possible, you are my best friend Tae Tae"

Your a complete sobbing mess at this point.

" y/n we promise to take care of Jaehyun and Jieun" Namjoon says wiping the tears away with his sleeves

" we won't let any boys near Jieun or girls near Jaehyun" Hoseok says and I laugh softly at his commemt

" y/n we all love and care for you" Taehyung said while sobbing. They all go near you and each kiss you softly on your forehead then walk out the room. Jungook is left crying and walks near you taking your hand in his.

"I know I'm being selfish and asking you to decide isn't fair but if you love me then you will choose them Jungkook." you cry softly and Jungkook leans in for one last kiss.

You take in the kiss and feel his soft lips as a few tears stream down both your cheeks. You feel bad for having to leave Jungkook especially now.

You reminisce about all the great memories you have and will cherish for as long as you could.

You know Jungkook isn't perfect and is full of flaws but past all that there is a loving man who truly loves you.

" I love you y/n always and forever" he says both your foreheads touching.

You think you've lived a pretty good life and going through the ups and downs just shows how strong our relationship is.

"I'm so lucky to have had the chance to meet you and before you leave I need you to know I've always loved you"

The doctor walks in and the moment has come where Jungkook makes his decision. The doctor asks him to step out to talk in private but your heart knows Jungkook will do the right thing.

Jungkook POV

" Have you made your decision?" The doctor asks

I look at y/n through the door and she smiles reassuringly at me telling me it is okay to decide.

" yes I have made a decison"

After putting her through hell,  and all the shit that happened in her life is because of me and now she's asking me to choose our kids over her life. Why can't I be the one who's punished rather than an innocent person who just got caught up in this mess.

I'm sorry y/n and it is because I love you I can make this decision and I'll live with it for the rest of my life.

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