Chapter 26: Gender Reveal

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~ Your POV ~

"I hate you Yoongi!" You yell furiously for causing you to be scared. You've heard of terrible pranks and jokes but this was just wrong especially since your pregnant. Jungkook is even angry but calmed down...eventually.

"Twins" you say to no one in particular still amazed that your carrying two human beings inside of you.

"No wonder, you weren't eating for two but for three, maybe even four" Taehyung jokes and you hit him hard on his arm playfully as he pretends it hurt.

"I feel bad for you" Jimin says out of no where.

Everyone looks to him wondering what he means by it.

"Why do you say that?" Namjoon asks

"Giving birth to one baby is hard enough but two, imagine the pain she'll be enduring" Jimin explains and he's right.

No man can ever understand what a woman goes through when it comes to child labor. There is a reason why woman give birth because woman can endure excruciating pain way more than men.

"How bad can it be" Hoseok says trying to be facetious and you snap your neck in his direction

" what?! Giving birth is equivalent to all your bones breaking in your body at once so yes it's bad" you scoff  with a little bit of an attitude.

"And your having two" Jin adds and your just thinking about it deeply.

" I know, I know, no need to repeat it so everyone here can agree that I am the strongest" you chirp and it sits unwell with a few of them especially Jungkook since he has his pride to think about.

" don't get ahead of yourself y/n, having a baby is a simple process and no need to exaggerate" Jungkook says and it kind of pisses you of.

" so if I kick ALL of you in your private are you won't squeal or bite down your lip, you ALL would be able to keep a straight face as if nothing happened?" You ask daringly



It's half and half.

You would so gladly demonstrate it to the ones who said yeah but sadly you don't have the strength too. The twins are making you tired and lazy to do anything but an idea pops into your head.

" then why don't you all try a giving birth simulator where you can experience a small percent of what woman go through?" You ask

"That's just disturbing" Hoseok says

" then I suggest you all shut your mouths about child labor or I will make you do it" you threaten

"What makes you think you can make us?" Jin asks out of curiosity

" don't underestimate a pregnant woman" you say with fire in your eyes.

"Alright fine" they all sigh.

"Did you guys forget?" Yoongi asks amused

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