Chapter 1

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Jenna's POV

It's Monday morning and I again had a restless night. I continue seeing the wolf I saw that night; except he's protecting me and sparing my life any moment he could get. I get up from my bed to use my bathroom and check the scratches on my arm that I got a week ago. They are healing up okay. Last week still replays in my head continuously. The fact that the white and gray speckled wolf attacked me that night was terrifying even though I was trying to calm it down. I only became a hunter because of the hatred I have for vampires. They killed my father when I was younger.  My mom supported the idea of becoming a vampire hunter. We don't go after any wolves unless they're unruly wolves called mutts. After that event from last week, I quit being a hunter because I love dogs and I will not kill another one again.  

I start getting ready for school. As soon as I do, I head for the door after kissing my mother goodbye. When I got outside, my best friend, Chelsea pulls up and honks her horn for me to hop inside like usual. She and I have become close friends since freshmen year of high school. We are now seniors, entering our second month of school. She believes in mythical creatures and finds things out for me about them. Back in freshmen year, Vampire Diaries was our go to. 

As soon as we got to class, I tell her about my first night being a hunter and who I encountered that night. I also inform her about the wolf who almost attacked me, but now I'm having dreams about him. 

"No way!" she squeals.

"Shhh!" I tell her. "You can't be loud with it."

She giggles. "My bad. But I can't believe you were put on the field! How big were the wolves? Did you see any vampires?"

"No, I didn't see any vampires. I only saw wolves that night." I sigh. "And sadly, had to murder one of them."

"Don't beat yourself up about it, Jen. I know you didn't want to, but isn't that what comes with the job? And on top of that, they attacked you first." she touches my hand. "You had to do what you did to protect yourself and live to tell me."

I chuckle. "Well, their pack members let me live so I guess you can say that's luck."

"Is there anything you ladies wanna share?" we hear the teacher ask us. She looks at us while holding her notebook. "I'm sure it's more important than what I'm teaching on the board."

"No ma'am it's not," Chelsea says.  

"It won't happen again," I reply.

She turns around and continues her lecture. I mouth to Chelsea that I will speak to her during lunch about it and I start doing my work. A few minutes later, a male student walks inside the classroom. He is wearing a hoodie, but I can see a glimpse of his neck tattoo and his long fringe. His eyes look so familiar... as if I have seen them either in a dream or... *sigh* Get your act together, Jenna, I think to myself. I try to shake it off that feeling and went back to doing my work. The teacher turns to him with a disappointed look.

"You're late, Victor," she tells him. "Do you have a pass?"

"Yes ma'am," he replies. He hands her a paper. "I got up late."

"Okay, go ahead and sit down." she turns back to the board. "Write down the notes on the board and we can discuss them as we go along."

The male student hesitantly sits in the desk next to me and our eyes met. I now definitely feel as if I have seen this guy somewhere. The student breaks eye contact with me and put his earbuds in his ears. Victor, right? I think to myself. I believe that's what his teacher called him. I just got to find more about you. But in risk of getting caught talking to you, I'ma deal with you later. 

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