Chapter 2

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Victor's POV

When school ended, I made sure to tail behind Chelsea and Jenna when Chelsea drove her home. Don't take me as a creep or a stalker, but for some reason I cannot kill Jenna. My mind is telling me not to, arguing with my conscious. So tonight, I'm going to find out why. And now that I know where she lives, I can make my move onto ending this nightmare and avenging Emmett. I head to Gordon's place, and I tell him what I'm doing.

"So, you're mapping out where she lives?" he asks me.

"Yeah," I answer. "I also realized something about Chelsea's relationship with Jenna. Chelsea is smarter than she seems. She looks like the type to be on top of werewolves and vampires. You know, gather as much information she can get. Either through the internet or her own studies. Jenna looks like she gathers information from Chelsea. Her thoughts are open and weird. And she likes solving things and realized who we are earlier. She has an extraordinary mindset, almost like a puzzle."

Gordon nods. "You do know that you're the only one who can see into her mind? Are you sure that the reason you cannot hurt her is because there's a connection between you too?"

I got confused. "What connection?"

Gordon sighs. "You know what connection I'm talking about."

"Are you talking about a possible fate fall?" I shake my head. "Most definitely not. I would know if I did. And I most definitely didn't. So, when I find out what's holding me back, I will strike and keep my promise."

"You do know Emmett's parents are humble. They aren't the vengeful type, and they understand that things happen. But it's James you have to worry about. Since he heard you say that you're going to kill Jenna, he wants you to do it. James has no heart ever since... you-know-who. And he's going to keep pressuring you calling you weak and stuff. Victor, you have killed people before. Nothing has stopped you from doing so. But how come you cannot kill Jenna? There's only one answer to that question. Because she's clearly not a witch. And even if she was, she wouldn't be playing tag with hunters."

I sigh. "I don't know. I don't know why I can't but I'm going to do it tonight." Or at least attempt to.

Jenna's POV

As soon as I got home, I take a shower and get into my pajamas. I finished my homework at study hall, so I decide to scroll through Instagram for a bit. My mom calls me downstairs to eat dinner a few hours later. We start eating together.

"So, how was school?" she asks me.

"School is school," I answer. "Nothing grand really happens there unless there's a cat fight between two cheerleaders."

She chuckles. "Yea I get that." her phone starts buzzing. "Give me a second, Jenna." she starts texting on her phone and she sighs. "Ima have to work a night shift tonight, so I won't be back until 5 a.m. I'm sorry that you have to eat dinner by yourself. My boss is really being a pain in my behind."

I giggle. "I understand, mom. I'll be okay."

She kisses my forehead. "See you later." she gets her stuff and leaves the house.

I finish my dinner and then went upstairs to my room afterwards. I got this odd feeling all of the sudden, but it's a familiar feeling. That uneasy feeling I explained to Chelsea earlier, except it's more enhanced. I feel like someone was in my room or watching me from a distance. I take a look out my window to make sure no one was watching me from outside. I also double check the front door and locked my bedroom door. I kept my window open because I like my room cold, but I pulled my curtain over it before going to bed. I turn my lamp off and sigh. Everything that happened in the past week was very confusing. Maybe I should've never became a hunter in the first place? Or maybe I should have let the wolf attack me. But that's a selfish act because I would be leaving my mom alone and she'll end up killing off every mythical species she can find. I turn over to my left and saw a shadow near my window. I get up slowly and turn on my lamp. It's a vampire right in front of my eyes, holding a picture frame.

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