Chapter 11

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I honestly don't know what time I went to sleep but I woke up and Victor was still here and he was sleeping like a baby. My mom came downstairs and saw me.

"Are you alright, baby?" She asked.

"Yeah," I answered. "Where's everyone else?"

"They went home. It's after eleven so Victor can sleep on the couch." She cupped my face. "Jenna, I want you to tell me the truth no matter what I ask."

I felt confused. "Okay. What is it, mom?"

She sighed and looked down. "You know I have been working with the Vampire Hunters and we sometimes come across other mystical creatures. I have studied how they act and I will tell you right now, you better not lie to me because I have studied psychology and I can tell through body language and heart rates when a person is lying. Plus, you're my daughter and I can tell when you're lying." She looked at me. "Is Victor a werewolf?"

I felt myself mentally tremble at those 4 words that came out of my mom's mouth. I didn't want her to know, but I didn't want to lie to her and get in trouble. I had to make a decision quick. If she finds out he is without me telling her, she might kill him. If I tell her now, she might kill him in his sleep. I can't understand anything that's going on. She's gonna find out that James wants to kill me, but James is gonna rat Victor out by saying that Victor promised his friend's parents that I will be dead sooner or later. I looked at Victor and I caressed his cheek. I love you, I told him in my head, hoping that his senses are still working that he could hear my thoughts. Sometimes, I wish I could hear his.

I opened my mouth and uttered the words, "Yes."

My mom sighed and looked at me. "You know what I have to do to him, right?"

I nodded feeling tears pour out my eyes. "Yes, mom," I cried. "I know it's protocol at your job." 

"And you do know that I can't let him stay here knowing that I know what he is. And you being apart of the organization knew the consequences of interacting with one of his kind, even though we don't specifically hunt them down."

"Just kill him!" I yelled. "Please, just get it over with and kill him!"

Victor moaned and opened his eyes. He looked at me and my mom and looked confused. "What's happening?" he asked. 

"Shut up," my mom told him.

Victor looked at me and wiped my face. He didn't say another word because he knew what happened. He heard everything and probably thought it was a dream until my mom ordered him to shut up.

"I need to know right now before I cut your throat open," my mom said to him. "Is there any consequences of her telling me about your kind?"

He looked at me with pain in his eyes, then looked back at my mother. "No," he responded. 

I got scared. I deserve to die. I really want my mom to hurry up and kill him so I can kill myself for exposing him to my mom and for losing him. I don't think I can live without Victor, I thought. James is gonna kill me anyway, so I might as well turn myself in.  

Victor heard my thoughts; I know this because tears welled up in his eyes. He looked at my mom. "Ms. Lockett, if you're gonna kill me, please do it. However, I need Jenna to be safe. So, please promise me that she'll be in good hands."

My mom shook her head. "I'm not gonna kill you."

Victor widened his eyes. "What?"

"I cannot kill you," my mom continued. "You saved my daughter and I do believe that this is not the first time you saved her from something. And from the looks you and her exchange, you imprinted on her and she loves you. I know my daughter; she was gonna try to kill herself after I would've killed you. Even though it's protocol, I still cannot destroy my daughter's life."

I hugged Victor and started crying. "I'm sorry, Victor! I got you into this mess!"

He kissed my forehead twice. "Calm down, Jenna." He looked at my mom. "There was a time when I wanted to kill your daughter because she killed one of my good friends by accident. I realized that I couldn't because I imprinted on her the night two vampires came in her room and tried to kill her, and almost turned her into a vampire. I saved her that night and ever since then, I realized that I couldn't do anything to her except protect her and love her."

"Thank you for being an honest gentleman," my mom replied. "Now, I don't want you telling everyone, especially your pack that you have encountered a vampire hunter, You hear?"

"Yes, ma'am," Victor remarked. "Thank you."

"Go get some sleep." she kissed my forehead and went upstairs.

I looked at Victor. "I feel bad for exposing you," I said. "I couldn't lie to my mom."

"I basically heard everything that happened before I woke up," he replied. "Trust me, I thought I was having a nightmare."

I kissed him and he kissed me back. I threw my arms around his neck and ended up on top of him straddling across his stomach. I kissed him and he shook his head.

"No, Jenna," he told me panting. He gently slid me off of him as he sat up. "I have three reasons why we can't go that far."

I grabbed his hands. "Why?"

"Well, for one, your mom checks your....area...and she'll find out. Two, marriage first. And three, I'm a werewolf and I can hurt you because sex requires adrenaline and I can't control my strength if too much adrenaline rushes through my body."

He has valid points. I honestly didn't know that we were going that far. I looked at him and kissed his cheek.

"You're right." I squeezed his hand. "I'm sorry."

He chuckled. "It's fine." he yawned. "Go to sleep, love. I'll see you in the morning."

"Okay." I kissed him twice. "I love you, good night."

"I love you too. Good night, love."

I got off the couch and walked up the stairs into my room. I laid down in my bed and went straight to sleep.

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