Chapter 6

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TW: //language//S/A// Read at own risk

I do not recall how long I was out, but we arrived at Victor's home when I woke up. I start to gather my surroundings again, being aware of where I'm at. Victor is outside the car, talking to Gordon. Their conversation is kinda muffled because they're outside the car. I step out the car and realize I'm bare foot. Victor and Gordon looks at me and Victor rushes to help me out the car.

"Are you okay?" he asks me, holding my hand. 

I nod. "Where are my shoes?" I ask. 

Gordon reaches into the car on the passenger side and picks up my heels and Victor's jacket. Victor grabs them and he walks with me to his door as Gordon gets in the car and drives off. 

"Why does everyone have a car but me?" I ask jokingly.

Victor chuckles. "Ask your mom." Victor opens the door with his keys, and we walk in together. He calls out "Ma" as the house echos a bit. It's a pretty decent cozy environment that fits a family like Victor's. 

His mother came out the kitchen and Victor explained everything to her. She looks at me and greets me with a smile. Everything about her reminds me of Victor. That same warm smile, those soft brown eyes, they both have dark beautiful hair. Victor sits me down on the couch in the living room and his mom checks my vitals and everything with her mobile medical equipment. She says that everything seems normal, and I should be okay. 

"Thank you, Mrs. Sullivan," I tell her. "I appreciate it."

"Please love, call me Debby," she replies. "Now, I'm gonna put everything away and you guys can have some alone time."

"Thanks a lot mom," Victor tells her. "I don't know what I would do without you."

She giggles and heads to another room. Victor sits next to me and rests his arms on my shoulders. I lay my head on him. 

"What were you and Gordon talking about?" I ask.

"Our plans on how we are going to deal with James," Victor replies. "Israel plans on going up to the Counseli to talk about the unruly things James has done. Basically, challenge his authority as Alpha the civil way." he puts quotation marks around "civil".

I look at him. "What's the Counseli? And what do you mean by 'civil'?" 

"The Counseli is a family who is above all of the wolf packs. The family is huge and different groups goes in different places of the world. Their table is made up of previous Alphas also known as the Ultima. Once the Alphas get these higher ranks, they are basically the ears, eyes, and mouths for the Counseli family." He takes a deep breath. "And to answer your other question, there's two ways to challenge an Alpha's authority. Any of the delta wolves can challenge the Alpha by reporting to the Counseli about the wrongdoings of them or fight to the death."

I tilt my head slightly. "Why to the death?"

"Basically, the Alpha is supposed to be the most powerful and respectful. Everyone mostly focuses on power which is why if someone fights the Alpha and wins, that person is now Alpha. And anyone is willing to risk their lives for a title like that." He runs his fingers through his hair. "And if the previous Alpha who got defeated is still alive, there's a chance he's out for revenge so it'll end with a dead body anyway."

I sigh. I have been living behind a veil all this time not knowing that number one, an Alpha has someone in charge of them, and number two, the wolves will literally kill each other for a position. I had so many other questions like what is considered a delta or if there's any other ranks in the pack. Chelsea has only looked up things that are mythical. 

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