Chapter 8

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"Why mama?" I ask her. "Of all people, him?"

My mom's smile fades. "What do you mean, love? Have you both met before?"

Before I could say anything, James cuts in front of me and says, "I have never met her in my life. I probably have seen her a few times around town, but I honestly never met her."

I instantly get pissed off. "You lying asshole," I say to him.

"Jenna!" I hear my mom yell.

My mom gives me a disappointing facial expression, but at this point, I don't care. James gets up from the table.

"I'm just gonna go," he says as he secures his jacket around him. "I'll call you."

"Okay, James," my mom replies. "I'm so sorry about this."

"It's fine." He kisses her forehead and walks pass me, out the door. 

I walk behind him and lock the door as soon as it closes. I come back to the dining area where my mom is sitting, and she stands up from the table. She looks extremely pissed off.

"What the hell is wrong with you?" She asks. "I told you to behave and you have done the complete opposite."

"Mom, I don't like him at all," I express to her. "And he knows that."

My mom sighs. "Look, I know that you miss your father, and you feel as if you do not need another father figure in your life. It has been us two against the world for about seven years. But that doesn't give you the right to number one, curse out James and number two, judge him before you even get to know him."

I scoff. "Well, actually if the reason for my outbursts were based on the fact that you found another man after dad died, then they would have been less validated. I already made up in my head that you are a grown woman and can do as you please."

"So why were you so hostile towards James?" she asks.

I have so many reasons why I am upset that James decided to waltz in through my door and ask for my mom's hand. "Mom, I hate him with a passion," I say to her. "I cannot tell you why, but I hate him."

"Jenna, just go upstairs." she tells me.

At first, I was upset that she dismissed me like that without taking into consideration of what I said. But as I sit down on my bed, I now feel as if I messed up starting over with him. James gave up his title to be with my mom and to help out another pack. I feel as if James is trying to start over. He hasn't given me any off vibes that he wants to kill me, even after I cussed at him. 

I look towards my window, remembering that I have to close it and I jump a little. Victor is sitting on my windowsill. He doesn't look at me at all, but I could tell by his side profile that he is not a happy camper.

"Are you okay?" I ask him.

"James thinks he is slick, and I don't like it," Victor tells me. "I don't want you living here if he is going to be living here. You staying with me would be the safest and better option."

I kind of figured that Victor did his round check for the night to make sure I'm okay. I know for sure he probably heard what happened and have seen James walking out the house. 

"Vic," I start to say. "I have to stay here with my mom. Maybe James isn't after me anymore and he just wants to live happy."

He shakes his head. "Jenna, you're not listening." He hops off the window seal and walks towards me. "I understand that

I honestly think that my mom was right about me. She wanted to give James a chance and I basically blew it. So now I wanna give him a chance and Victor is telling me not to.

"Jenna, if you wanna stay in danger, then I'm not gonna be part of that."

"Victor, I wanna give James a chance," I told him. "I think you should too."

He scoffed. "Fine, you won't listen, than I'll find someone who will." He leaped out my window.

I wondered what he meant my that. Did he mean that he was gonna find someone else to be with that will listen? No, he imprinted on me and he loves me. I feel so confused right now.


Jenna isn't listening to me and she needs to know that James only left the pack because he knows he couldn't attack her while he was the alpha. Plus, he is getting another pack to attack our pack if we try to stop him.

I tried to calm myself down and I was thinking about going back up into Jenna's room and apologizing. Out of nowhere, I sensed danger near Jenna's home. I saw James in front of me.

"So I see you're on night guard duty," he said with a smirk.

I took my leather jacket off. "You try anything right now, I will rip you to shreds." I warned.

"Relax, Victor. I'm not gonna touch your precious girlfriend yet. You just don't know my plan yet."

I scoffed. "I know that part of it was to give the alpha title to Israel so you can call yourself trying to exclude yourself from the rule we have as a pack about imprints. And I'll soon discover the rest of your plan."

"Jenna won't believe you."

"She'll listen one day. And even if she doesn't, I won't let you hurt her." I cracked my knuckles. "Now beat it."

James snickered. "Whatever you say." He walked away.

I took a deep breath. I'm hoping Jenna will listen to me. I hopped back into her room and saw her laying down crying.

She quickly picked her head up and wiped her red nose. "Vic, I didn't think you were coming back."


I started crying because I feel like Victor just broke up with me. I pulled my green sheet over my face and wiped my face but more tears kept falling. I laid down and faced the window. I saw Victor come through the window and I lifted my head up.

"Vic, I didn't think you were coming back," I said.

He walked tme and sat down on my bed. "I'm sorry that I exploded. I just can't control my feelings when I get all worked up." He grabbed my hands. "Baby please sit up."

I sat up in the bed. "Vic, what's going on?"

He ran his fingers through my hair. "I need you to think about this. Why didn't James kill you that night when you came to my pack meeting the first time?"

I thought really hard. I remember Victor stopping him, but what did he say? Imprint maybe? "Was it because you imprinted on me?"

Victor nodded. "Okay. And because I imprinted on you, why couldn't he kill you?"

"You were part of his pack. So it was a rule that the pack members cannot hurt each other's imprints, and that included him."

I stood quiet for a second. That's what Victor was trying to make me realize. James left the pack so he can get to me.

I felt my hands shaking. I was scared because he's dating my mom and he might hurt her. The thought started making my chest tight. "Victor, are you gonna let him hurt me?"

He shook his head. "Jenna, baby you know I won't let him hurt you or your mom." He pulled me into a hug. "Relax, baby girl." He kissed my forehead.

I rested my head onto his chest. "How can we stop him?"

"Let me worry about that, Jen. Just relax."

My chest started to open up and I was feeling slightly better. "I need to convince my mom that James is a bad person. If I don't, she'll get hurt."

"I'll figure something out. Promise."

I kissed his cheek and realized that Victor doesn't have his jacket. "Where's your jacket?"

"I took it off outside. I'm warm enough without it." He kissed me. "Do you want me to stay and watch you?"

I nodded. "Yeah."

After a while, I laid in my bed and saw Victor sitting on the floor near my bed.

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