Chapter 9

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It has been difficult being grounded for a week but I finally made it. It's Christmas Eve and the party was about to start. I really wanted my mom to meet Victor so that was the real reason why I wanted to enforce this party. Now, I wish that I shouldn't have pressed my mom on this because she is dating the guy that wanted to kill me.

Chelsea picked me up in her car to drive to Victor's house so we can pick him up. I never mentioned to her about James dating my mom because my phone has been taken away. We pulled up to the front of the apartment complex.

"This is a nice place," Chelsea said. "He lives here now?"

I nodded. "I'll get out and you can wait here." I got out the car. "If you can find a parking space, you can come."

"I'll wait!" she called out the window.

I ran inside the complex and looked for Victor's apartment number D-304. When I found it, I knocked on the door and the door opened quickly. I saw a red-headed girl with a robe on looking me up and down.

"Who are you?" she asked rudely.

I didn't know how to feel right now or how to talk to this girl that looks no older than 21. I cleared my throat and gave a fake smile. "I'm looking for my boyfriend Victor," I answered saying "boyfriend" loudly.

The girl...or woman turned around and yelled out "Victor" and this middle-aged man came out and looked at me. He looked back at the woman and she started asking him if he is cheating on her with me.

"Paris, of course not," the man told her. He looked at me. "I think you have the wrong door."

I wanted to believe that but I got the text from MY Victor that his apartment is D-304. I showed the man my phone with the text message. The woman Paris saw it and she looked at me with an evil glare.

"Listen to me you trick," she said, "this is my man and you ain't gonna take him away from me! I ain't going down without a fight! I don't care how beautiful you are, but you ain't gonna be prostituting over here with my man! I will beat a ho up!"

I felt scared for my life. I was praying that Victor gave me a mistake address with a typo. I looked at my phone again and saw the same numbers D-304. The lady started cussing out her "man" and HER Victor was trying to calm her down and convince her that I wasn't a prostitute. I have heard her call her "man" names from A to Z and I wanted to run out the complex. The next door that said "D-305" opened and MY Victor came running out. 

"Whoa!" he yelled. He pulled me towards him and backed up a couple of inches. "What's going on?" he asked. 

My voice started breaking. "I was trying to get to your place and I knocked on the wrong door," I told him.  

Victor went in front of me and stopped the couple from arguing. "Please forgive me, I had her coming over and I didn't know she knocked on the wrong door. She's my girlfriend."

The mean lady calmed down. "I'm so sorry, I thought she was a prostitute trying to take my man." she said sweetly. 

HER Victor stepped out a little. He looked at me. "I'm so sorry for her actions. I'm also called Victor, but to get away from all of this confusion, call me Mr. Friskan." he looked at Paris. "You've done scared the little young lady, hon."

She scoffed. "I was just making sure you had no hos." she went back inside her apartment and Mr. Friskan followed her.

Victor took me by my hand and walked with me inside his apartment. I was in shock and confused. I felt my face wet with my tears; I probably didn't know I was crying the whole time. Victor rubbed my forehead. 

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