Chapter 19

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Victor told me what happened that night when I woke up seeing the nicely dressed men with green eyes shining through my soul when they looked at me. He explained that they were Gammas and they both were sent from the Gamma Counseli to question everything that has been going on in the Echo pack, or Israel's pack.

I have been kept home for a little bit so I can learn how to control my thirst for human blood. Day by day, Victor would take me to small stores where a small group of people will be there shopping and then it would excel to bigger bargain stores like Walmart and the library where a lot of people will be at. My mom even helped me out by "accidentally" cutting herself a little bit while she was cooking so I can learn how to control myself when pure blood is around. It was hard, but I was able to manage. 

While I was out, my mom contacted someone and told the school I was on medical leave for about a month and I did all of my school work and homework at home while Victor will go to school and bring my work to me and send the finished work back to my teachers. Today, I go back to school and I'm praying no one will notice that I have changed. I looked in the mirror almost a dozen times, making sure that I look okay. My mom knocked on the door.

"Jen, may I come in?" she asked.

"Yea," I answered.

She opened the door. "You look fine, honey. Why are you still in the mirror?"

I sighed. "I just hope no one notices big changes. Like my hair color mysteriously being black and healthy and me being extremely strong for no reason." I adjusted my...or Victor's leather jacket. "Or me being extremely beautiful without makeup."

"Jenna, you have always been beautiful," my mom said as she ran her fingers through my hair. "You're extremely beautiful everyday."

I looked at my mom. "Thank you." I hugged her. 

"Now, since the facility is destroyed, it's gonna take months for it to be restored. So for about six months, I will be in North Dakota temporarily just so I can still have money to pay for the light bill in this house. I'll send the money through the mail so you can go to the office and pay for it." she rubbed my back. "You can stay with Victor until I come back."

I sighed. "I don't want you getting attacked though. North Dakota is an entirely different state in a different time zone. I don't know if the wolves up there follow the same rules we do."

"I'll be fine," she assured me. "I held my own with James for a while until I gave up. And the reason why I have to be in North Dakota is because they have very strict rules with werewolves. Wolves don't even attack humans, for anything they protect them. If one gets outta line, they die."

I nodded. "Just be careful. Anything could happen."

She smiled. "I'll be on my way  in a few hours so when you get back from school, I won't be here."

I hugged her again. "I love you, mom."

"I love you too, Jenna."

I grabbed my book bag and headed for the door. I saw Victor pulling up with his motorcycle and I hopped on in the back. We rode to school and he parked his bike. 

"You're alright?" he asked.

I nodded. "Yea, I can manage." I took a whiff of the air and it smelt completely different from everything I smelt as a human. A group of flesh and blood walking around and I even can smell undercover Vampires. 

Victor kissed my forehead. "Alright, beautiful. Let's go inside."

We started walking into the school and I felt everyone's eyes on me and I can hear they're whispers and gossip. I even smelt something that wanna make me antagonize them: fear. They fear that I have became this bad girl and forgot about the good girl image I portrayed for the 4 years I have been in school. Chelsea ran up on me and hugged me. The scent of her hair overpowered her floral scent.

"I missed you, bestie," she said. "You look so beautiful."

"I missed you too," I replied. "Do you know what happened?"

She nodded. "Mmm hmm. Victor told me what happened and I'm glad you are able to control yourself." she lowered her voice into a whisper. "People around the school were thinking that Victor got you pregnant and you were either gonna give birth to the baby or get an abortion and take time to heal from the pain or whatever."

I rolled my eyes. "Well, that never happened and I never came to school with a belly."

"Yeah," Victor jumped in. "Jenna is way too thin to look like she is pregnant."

Chelsea shrugged. "Well, now they're talking about if you and it makes no sense, but that's how rumors start."

I heard screaming coming from the other hallway and I started to smell someone's blood. I ran towards that direction and saw a girl in a cheer leading uniform covered in blood and a body was on the ground with their throat ripped leaving an open wound. I stood there in shock and Victor grabbed me by my waist and pulled me back.

"Go back with Chelsea." he told me.

I looked at him. "It was a vampire attack, wasn't it?" I asked.

Victor nodded. "He was here and left. But unrecognizable scent." he sighed. "He was turned and no one taught him to control his thirst."

I shook my head. "This is crazy. We gotta do something."

Victor shook his head. "We can't. That'll start another war."

I sighed. This gotta be dealt with but the fact that it was done in the school kinda freaked me out. I got to figure this out myself. Even though Victor told me to stay outta it, I got to do something. I saw the vampire who did it and he had blood all over his face. He looked guilty and decided to run outside the school and I knew he didn't wanna do anymore damage but I had to stop him so he won't be out of control. 

I ran after him, bursting out of the school doors, and tackled him to the ground. He was fighting to get me off of him and his eyes were flashing red with his bloody fangs showing as he was yelling.

"Get off of me!" he shouted as he struggled to get me off of him. 

"Calm down," I told him as I pinned his arms to the ground. "I'm not gonna hurt you but you cannot lose control again."

His eyes went back to a hazel color and he sighed. "I didn't mean to hurt her. I swear. Please don't kill me."

I shook my head. "You're fine." 

The sun started breaking through the clouds and his bronze skin color started to sparkle and he flinched. "Ow!" he said softly.

I released him and helped him off the ground. "Go somewhere safe where you won't get harmed. I'll look for you later."

He nodded and ran off into the woods near our school. I felt eyes glaring at me and I turned around to see two light skinned vampires with anger in their eyes.

"How dare you let him get away!" One of them with blonde hair told me. He growled at me. "He killed someone openly in the school! And you had no right to interfere with our business!"

"You will be reported to our overseer," the dark haired one said. He clenched his teeth revealing his fangs. "You will pay one way or another."

Victor came out and grabbed me by my arm. "She is with me. Don't touch her."

"She will pay for her crime," the dark haired guy said as he ran off with his blonde partner.

Victor looked at me. "I told you to stay out of it, Jenna."

"He is innocent," I pleaded. "I had to stop him from killing anyone else. And those vampires were gonna kill him. He wasn't taught how to control himself."

Victor sighed. "I guess it's okay. But now the counseli are gonna be on our asses." He kissed my forehead. "We will deal with this."

I didn't feel bad about letting the vampire go but I was worried if he was gonna get caught. I shrugged it off. I know what I did was right and if I have to go head to head to the counseli, I will.

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