Chapter 15

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I saw everything different as soon as my eyes adjusted to the wolf vision I just received. The first person I saw was Victor and I even saw him while I was sleeping. I saw his past as a child and how happy he was with his parents. Then, I saw the present and I was in his life making him the reason why he is happy. Then I saw us being together in the future getting married. I felt destined to be with him and I gave him 100 percent of my trust.

"Jen," Victor spoke. "How are you feeling?"

I smiled and kissed him. "I feel amazing," I told him.

Out of nowhere, I started smelling something minty and it was burning my nose badly. It didn't smell bad, but it wasn't a pleasant feeling. I scrunched up my nose.

"What is that smell?" I asked slightly disgusted.

"That's us," Kale told me. He chuckled. "We have a specific scent that wolves tracks us down from and so do we. You have a completely different scent than from a few minutes ago."

I nodded as my nose adjusted to the smell. "Okay, I understand."

Victor grabbed both my hands and helped me out the bed. I felt a little weird but a lot better. I saw myself in the mirror and saw the color of my hair. Jet black? What happened to the green??? I thought.

"The green in your hair went away because your dyed hair was basically damaged in a way. So when I bit you, the particles in your hair started to heal properly, making it healthier." Victor ran his fingers through my hair. "Very healthy."

I looked at him. "So anything that was hurting me in and on my body healed?" I pressed the area on my thigh where Victor pressed hard by accident. I felt no pain.

"Yeah, basically." Victor rubbed the back of his neck. "Have you had any other effects while you were sleeping?"

I explained the somewhat dream I had while being unconscious for 15 minutes and it was like if I knew he is the one for me. Victor smiled and told me that I experienced an imprint. And even though he imprinted on me while I was human, me turning to a wolf meant that I was gonna have all the traits of one.

I moved closer to the mirror and I saw my eyes glowing in an almost purplish blue color. It confused me because my natural eyes are green and Victor's are brown but they glow blue. "Why are my eyes a different color?" I asked Victor.

He sighed. "They're purple which means that you're an Omega."

I looked at him confused. "Omega?"

"You are capable of handling yourself without an Alpha bossing you around. However, you won't have that many people believe that you can handle yourself." He hugged me from behind. "I believe you can."

I nodded. "Okay, so how do I..." I paused. My throat felt dry like if I haven't drunk water in weeks. I rubbed my neck and jawline trying to soothe the feeling but I started feeling more pain in my jawline.

"Jenna, stop rubbing," Victor suggested. He grabbed my hands and moved them away from my face. "You'll make it worse by rubbing."

The blonde haired lady walked out the room, although I don't remember her coming into the room. The pain increased and I started whimpering. Victor grabbed my jawline gently, even though it felt like he used all his strength gripping it so hard. I yelped in pain as he was moving his index finger and his thumb towards the intersections of my jawline and upper neck.

"Do you have any substitute for blood?" Victor asked over my whimpering.

"Sara just went down to get some," Kale answered. "It's a family recipe from 69 years ago when we decided to stop consuming human blood and we started making a beverage using natural ingredients like certain fruits and herbs to give it a certain sweetness and taste like blood. The only difference is that it doesn't have the proteins and minerals human blood has."

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