Chapter 14

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We went downstairs and I saw a guy with brown hair gelled back nicely and his eyes were red like tomatoes being fully ripe. It gave me goosebumps when he flashed his eyes at me and chills ran up my spine.

"These are your guests?" The guy asked.

"Yes, Sir Falcon. They are my guests," Kale answered boldly, like if his apparel meant nothing to him. "They're not from here, but they came to visit and will be leaving tomorrow."

Sir Falcon looked at Victor and me. "They're wolves. They're not suppose to be on this side of our territory--"

"Unless we granted them permission to do so," Kale interrupted. "I know the rules and I granted them permission to be here. They're good friends of ours and we don't have a problem."

Sir Falcon scowled. "If they cause any trouble to our community, you will be held accountable." He looked at Nick who was standing in front of me and next to his dad. "I'm guessing you're their friend as well?"

"Yes, sir. They are," Nick responded in the same tone as his father.

Victor started breathing heavy and it almost went into a growl. I rubbed his lower back, signaling for him to calm down. I saw how Sir Falcon glared at Victor and it made it intimidating towards him.

"Is there anything else we can do for you, sir?" Kale asked, breaking the tension.

Sir Falcon looked at Kale and smiled. "No, that's it. Just make sure you light some candles when they leave tomorrow. Or air it out or something because I cannot stand the smell and neither can anyone else." He left off the door step and Kale closed the door afterwards.

"Vic, calm down," I said rubbing Victor's hand.

"He suspected you were the human they smelt," Victor replied. He was still breathing heavy.

Nick grabbed me and pulled me away. "Let him calm down on his own," he told me.

I shook my head almost panicking. "No, he needs me! He can't turn here!"

"Calm down," Nick responded in the same calming tone. "He can do it."

Victor put his back against a wall and started taking deep breaths. I felt a little calmer that he is calming down. Nick no longer held me back and I slowly walked to Victor.

"I'm okay," he told me. "I didn't wanna hurt you. Even though you're my imprint, I can still hurt you unintentionally. That vampire set me off and was trying to make me turn in front of him." He hugged me.

His heart was still beating fast. I rubbed his arm and he started calming down even more. I hate the fact that I am a vulnerable human in this wolf verses vampire territorial battle. I don't want Victor to think that I'm weak and soft and that he has to keep protecting me from everyone that wants to harm me or is able to cause harm to me.

"Vic?" I spoke softly.

"What's wrong?" He asked.

I took a deep breath. "Can you turn me?"

Victor looked at me straight into my eyes. He stared into them and shook his head. "I'm not gonna turn you into a wolf! That's definitely not gonna happen at all!"

"But I'm tired of being able to do nothing to protect myself or anyone else," I pleaded.

"She has a point," Kale jumped in. "If you don't want her to be a wolf, she can be a vampire."

"Absolutely not!" Victor responded. "I would rather her be a wolf than a vampire. No offense to you all, but I would love for her not to be a bloodsucking person. Plus, I'm a wolf and she is my imprint. "

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