|Chapter 3|

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"It was all about wanting to get revenge. Pathetic, really, but it still is the motivation." -Julian Cleary

"Avi, I swear to you that I've been such a mess since Friday," Poppy rants, thinking we're friends enough to use nicknames

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"Avi, I swear to you that I've been such a mess since Friday," Poppy rants, thinking we're friends enough to use nicknames.

I nod occasionally to look interested as she continues to blabber about how Lauryn hasn't talked to her since Friday when she spilled red wine on her dress. Apparently, Poppy has been texting her "literally 24/7!"

"Maybe give her a little space to calm down?" I suggest, hoping she'd let me focus on the English notes our teacher is lecturing the class on.

"Are you just saying that to get me out of your hair? Wait, we need to take notes?"

It's hard to talk to someone whose brain is on full speed every second of the day. I can't help but to think about how Poppy acted as a child...on a sugar high.

After the bell rings, Poppy grumbles about how she needs to stay back for help on the notes she didn't even know existed until I told her. I leave the room feeling extremely bad for our poor English teacher.


As I walk from calculus class to the cafeteria, my hands start shaking the closer Marie and I get to those big metal doors. I don't know how I'm going to just walk up to The Elites and sit there without shitting my pants.

Hopefully they won't notice how terrified I am.

Please, they can smell fear. I try to shake off the nerves by taking deep breaths, but my anxiety doesn't waver.

Marie is not as annoying as I originally anticipated, with her ramblings being slightly intriguing from time to time. Fine, I'll admit it; she's a good friend to have.

"I'm serious. The poor guy had cheese coming out of his nose! Logan took a video of him, but I deleted it when she wasn't looking." She giggles, recalling her funniest moments from last year.

"I think I have you beat."

Marie's eyebrow rises in interest. "Go on..."

I laugh before I even say anything. "This guy was dared to shove as many marshmallows in his mouth at once. After the tenth or so one, my dean walked over to ask him what he was doing. Then, he spit half-chewed marshmallows all over the Dean Shultz's new suit!"

Marie gasps. "What happened to the guy?"

"Oh, he was fine. He was the footba-...soccer captain, so they couldn't do anything," I reassure her.

"The perks of being athletic." She crinkles her nose in annoyance.

We push open the lunchroom doors, and I cautiously mention that I couldn't sit with her and Logan today.

"Why?" She questions.

"Lauryn invited me to sit with The Elites, so I thought I'd give it a shot." I realize this is a sensitive subject for Marie because she straightens up tensely.

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