|Chapter 25|

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Our greatest glory is not in never falling, but in rising every time we fall. -Confucius

Everything I've done this year is finally about to matter

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Everything I've done this year is finally about to matter. The Elites will fall today. 

I will be victorious.

Marie and I spent all weekend organizing all the evidence we've gathered and finally making them ready to be leaked.

We even decided in what order I should reveal their vile secrets; my stomach is fluttering with glee.

This isn't about my mom anymore.

This isn't about my dad anymore.

This is about me.

I've been broken, but I'm determined to rise up from the ashes. Yes, my mom's lies still give me fatigue and horrid nightmares. Some mornings I can't even look at food, and the very thought of it gives me a pounding headache.

Marie hasn't given up on me.

I haven't given up on me.

On these nights, where all I dream is mom killing my father, Marie is there to comfort me. She hold me tight, letting the sobs roll through me like a wave. Just like a wave, the despair settles into placid calm eventually.

Marie is there to talk me into eating food, even if it's only an apple. Sometimes, I get angry and start screaming, but she realizes that it's not me saying those things to her.

It's my mom. She's infected my mind, and her poison takes a long time to filter out of my weak body.

My mom won't hurt me today because I won't let her. Today is the day I complete the mission that has simultaneously ruined and rebuilt my life.

I drive to school, gripping Marie's hand, and we sit in a comfortable silence. Pulling up to Silver Valley High, I park my convertible.

Then, I sigh deeply. There's a sense of victory in the air, like Mother Nature knows this is the most important day of my life.

"Marie, I hope you know that I might get expelled for everything I'm going to do today," I deadpan, ready and willing to accept the consequences of my actions.

"Who gives a shit about school?" She retorts seriously, and my face contorts into shock.

This is the same girl who hasn't gone to one high school party until this year because she feared the cops would crash the house and arrest her.

"Where's this attitude come from? Have I been a bad influence on you?" I whisper in her ear, mouth grazing her skin ever-so-slightly.

Marie shivers under my touch, and my smile widens at the effect my flirting has on her.

"Do we...do we have to be a secret anmore?" She stutters once my lips latch unto her neck, planting rough kisses around her collarbone.

I pull back, leaving her frowning and wanting more.

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