|Chapter 10|

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  Revenge is a particularly interesting concept, especially the notion of whether or not it exists outside of just an abstract idea. -Christopher Nolan

"So, what do we know?" Marie asks the morning after homecoming, sitting on the edge of my bed and ready to get down to business

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"So, what do we know?" Marie asks the morning after homecoming, sitting on the edge of my bed and ready to get down to business.

I give her an incredulous look. "Know about what?"

"What do you think?" She rolls her eyes. "What's everything we have on The Elites?"

Marie is finished helping me without knowing everything. She needs to know the whole scope of the secrets I've gathered in order to ensure her trust.

If I don't include her fully into my plan, she will stop being there for me. I'm sure of that.

Hopefully, she won't question my motives for taking The Elites down because I'd rather not tell her what little I've heard from my mom about it. I've never really opened up to anyone, and I can't take that big of a step.

"Okay," I take a deep breath. "We obviously know what Lauryn did to Gemma and what Angie did to you. That's something we could use in the future."

"Obviously," Marie says sarcastically.

"Anyways, I have a voice recording of Angie and Peter admitting they're smoking weed, and I have Lauryn yelling at Poppy on tape. Apparently, Lauryn slept with Poppy's boyfriend so he would break up with her. We know about Angie's lack of family photos at her house, which we can investigate further."

She laughs. "You sound like a real detective!"

One quick glance her way gets Marie back on track. I'm done playing around. We need to make real ground today with something. I think back on the weeks that I've been with The Elites, trying to recall any little seed of suspicion I found.

"Oh!" I exclaim without thinking. "Poppy and Cass were pretty secretive about their love life a while ago. It's a long shot, but maybe something is happening there?"

We sit there for a while. I go over everything I know in my head, trying to find connections. Marie is doing the same, with similar luck.

"That's all you know. Well, we have a lot of work to do," She states and crosses her arms.

Shocked, I turn towards her. "What do you mean? I realize we're not even close to being done, but we have some good stuff here!" I argue defensively.

"No offense," Marie starts. "But this isn't anything that useful. I mean, the Gemma story is the most damaging thing we know. My experience with Angie isn't doing shit to her reputation, but Gemma could inflict some real hurt to Lauryn. She framed her for attempted murder. That's cold, even for someone as evil as Lauryn Barbosa. The rest is just speculation and worthless to the end goal."

"Even Angie and Peter smoking pot?" I question.

She waves her hand dismissively. "Peter's fine, no one cares if he does it. Angie, it would be a shock for sure, but people would get over it the next day. We need something that would last. That one thing that they can't sweep under the rug."

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