Chapter 58 "Home"

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An intoxicating smell travels through my nostrils almost too overbearing for me to take. I begin to toss my head right and left trying to get away from this strong odor that I can't seem to get away from. Fluttering my eyelids open, I immediately squint my eyes from the sudden brightness of the place. Swinging my arm over my eyes to use it as some sort of shield to provide some kind of shade from the brightness. I begin to cough feeling my throat extremely dry.

"Water," I hoarse.

"Go get water."


My blurry vision finally comes into focus as the blurry figure from a few seconds ago becomes clear revealing Luna. She looks down at me with concern in her dark brown eyes.

"Luna, is that really you?," I mumble. Hoping this isn't a dream. Suddenly, like a lightning striking a tree it all comes back to me. Santana, dead bodies, the two men looking for me and me blacking out seeing headlights approaching. I sit up immediately screaming for help.

"Please Santana let me go," I shout tears starting to form within my eyeballs.

"It isn't Santana. It's me Maddie, Luna. You're safe," Luna reassures grabbing my shoulders firmly with her hands, but lightly jolting me. As she does this, I open my eyes once again seeing her in front of me scanning the strange room I've never seen before.

"Luna? Please tell me I'm not hallucinating or something?," I sniffle.

"It's really me. We found you unconscious. You're safe now. I promise you," Luna utters. I take a moment to observe her and there it is the wound that Santana caused on her. A huge bandaid is on her forehead dry blood staining it.

"Oh my god it really is you. Are you okay? I'm so sorry for what happened," I tug her in hugging her tightly feeling some sense of home.

"I'm okay. You know it takes way more than a hit to take me down," Luna says in a feisty tone. A huge smirk plastered on her face as she pulls away from me.

"Did that motherfucker hurt you? If he did you better tell me right now," Luna's smirk falters as she asks this about Santana. I now understand the bad blood between Santana and the red eagles.

"No, I was locked in a room at some house in a forest. I escaped through a window in a room," I explain. The door opens, as Diaz steps inside with a glass of water walking towards me. Luna grabs the glass of water from Diaz handing it over to me for me to drink, which I gladly do without hesitation. I feel the satisfying fresh liquid run down my throat and into my stomach. It feels as if I've been dying from thirst for days. When it's only been probably an entire day or two if anything.

"My baby?," I gasp, feeling sudden panic about my son's health. So much has happened and it's been a while since I've properly eaten and rested. For sure none of what I've gone through is good for the baby. To be honest, I'm surprised that I haven't gone into labor from all of this craziness that has occurred.

"He's fine. One of Leo's doctors came earlier to check up on you guys. The baby is in good condition. You just were dehydrated that's all and under a lot of stress of course. You need to take it easy from now on," Luna says.

"Leo?," the memory of him suddenly presents itself into my mind.

"Leo is dead Luna," I panicky screech tears sliding down my cheeks as the memory of Santana telling me he killed my husband.

"No he isn't," she says.

"He is. Santana told me and I saw so much dead bodies at the mansion," I sob.

"No, listen to me Madison. Leo is alive. He's in the other room as we speak," she sternly says looking at me straight in the eyes.

"What? Leo is alive?"

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