Chapter 68 "Mafia Family"

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Leo's pov

"Mrs. Castillo please calm down"

"S-She shot me!"

Two doctors are restraining Madison against the bed as she screams and kicks like a crazy person. My eyes instantly locks with Luna's dark brown eyes. A look of worry and sadness swirls within them as she warily watches Madison. "What's going on here?!," I loudly utter confusion plastered on my face.

As soon as my voice is heard everyone stops staring back at me. Madison stops kicking and screaming her emerald green eyes now fixated on me. The world freezes only the two of us mattering in this moment. Silence takes over the room. This is the moment I've been longing for so desperately. Our eyes stay in sync with one another as everyone else in the room intently watch the both of us. As I stare back at her, I can't help, but get lost within those eyes of hers, I absolutely adore.

"L-Leo," she mumbles her voice beginning to crack. Without wasting another second, I'm by her side holding her hands between mine. The two doctors step back cautiously watching her and I. "I'm here you're safe," I murmur cupping her chin feeling the softness of her skin that I have dearly missed. It's almost as soft as little Leo's skin. Suddenly, Madison starts to cry sitting up to hug me tightly which I embrace hugging her back protectively.

"R-Rossi shot me and the b-"

"Where's my baby? Please tell me I didn't fail him?," Madison hastily says extreme worry within her voice and eyes as she pulls away looking up at me.

"Thanks to his beautiful strong mommy. He's perfectly fine waiting for his mother to come home," I lovingly say. Madison's smiles her worry fading. I hug her tightly once again this time not being able to hold myself back anymore. Tears start to run down my cheeks as I give a trail of kisses all over Madison's beautiful face.

The miracle I have desperately and utterly prayed for has finally came true.

Madison's pov

"I was so scared," his voice cracks as he whispers near my ear. "I would never leave you Leo never," I murmur hugging my husband. Oh how I missed feeling his warmth, muscles, and just his overall being. It really has been too long being apart.

Doctors told me I was in a coma for two weeks which at first I couldn't believe. Then just like a lightbulb memories came flashing through my mind. Little pieces of that night when Rossi held me at gun point screaming at me how much she hated me and my child then from there she shot my leg then Leo's leg. Eventually it led to her directing her aim towards my belly which immediately I turned away from shielding my baby the best way I could.

From there it went all black until now. "I love you so much Madison. You're my life," Leo responds pulling back leaning down to my level placing his lips on mine so passionately and eagerly which I respond to. Our lips follow each other's movements. Life fills me up as I feel his lips on me. Earlier, I felt drained out and now I'm feel full with just his presence and touch.

Crazy how much one person can affect you.

"I love you too Castillo," as soon as the last word slips out of my mouth Leo pulls away creasing his brows at me. At the same time a shit load of memories play in my mind. From seeing my parents to hearing Santana's voice while I was in a dark place. I gasp, as I remember his exact words before he left.

"Oh my god!"

"Leo, where's our baby? H-He's in danger... Santana is after him," I splutter all at once ready to get off of this bed.

However, Leo holds me back from doing so. "Santana? What are you talking about?," Leo says looking at me confusedly.

"Santana was here before I woke up! H-He told me that he's going to kill our baby to protect his future"

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