Chapter 6

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I laid in the bed as tears rounded down my face. Remembering the last time I woke up happy. The last time we made love before Embry was born. Remembering how prefect my life was. It's been along couple of months almost a year. Embry's cries came thru the monitor.

"Ok baby girl here comes mommy." I say getting out the bed. Walking to my daughter's room, I seen I really needed to clean up.

"Damn Aurora." I said to myself. The house wasn't a mess but there was Bry's stuff everywhere. "Hey my pretty baby." I tell my baby girl. She looks so much like her father. Dakota loves Embry so much it tears him apart everyday that he's not here.

After our daughter Embry Aurora was born, she was about 7 months old and that was the day my life was torn apart. The Feds came and took Dakota away from us. Thank god for the cash we had in the house. They froze his assets and tried to do mine but didn't cause of Embry. They took our houses, cars, jewelry but my wedding rings and our clothes. My life was a mess.

Kanessha, Kota's mom, had to come get me and Bry. We stayed with her and Michael for about two months then stayed with my mom. She watched Bry while I went to work. Michael, Wyatt and I tried our best to fix the company and keep the FBI from taking anything or freezing it.

Looking at Embry makes me wanna cry sometimes. She makes his faces and when we go see him, it's the most wonderful thing ever. To see the love he has for her is beautiful. I wish to see it everyday, instead of every couple weeks.

Kota and Reese both got locked up along with almost all their guys. There was no one to keep that part of the business running, I couldn't do it and keep an eye on Embry. Tony tried to keep it up but the Feds got him too. He got out tho, they had nothing to hold my brother. Kota and Reese had stuff against them forever and a day.

I got my own place after living with my mom for a bit. She still watches Bry for me while I work. I think Dakota know they were coming for him. We got married about 2 months before Embry was born. It was at our church, only our parents and siblings were there. I loved it. Bry stayed moving around the whole day.

"Come on big girl. Let's get washed up." I tell her and go to take a bath. Embry is 14 months old and is very smart. She can walk and says some words we still working on it tho. I'm also 8 months pregnant with our son. Yeah I know it was a total shock to me too. Now we decided on his middle name but can't choose a first name. He loves Evan and I love Ezra. Bry likes Ezra too. She keeps saying Rara. Evan Dakota or Ezra Dakota. Everybody is torn between the names.

Having a 1 year old and being 8 month pregnant ain't no joke but I have no other choice but to keep push thru. Mina moved in with me to help with Bry after Ra gets her. She's so ready for her brother.

"Mina? You up?" I hear her moving around her room but she not a morning person never has been.

"Mimi! Waked up!" Bry smacks her little hand on the door. After we were dressed and woke up my sister, I took Embry to get some food. I usually cook but I didn't feel like it. Mina took Bry to the car while I grabbed the bags. I heard my phone go off. "Shit!" it's on the nightstand in my room.

"Hello?" I'm all out of breath from running up the stairs.

"You have a call from," the machine starts.


"at the Lakewood Correctional Facility in Plano, Pa. Press one to speak to the inmate." A tear rolls down my face as I press one to talk to my love.

"Hey Gorgeous." He starts and my heart melts.

"Hey my love. How are you?" I start walking to the car.

"Oh baby it is so good to hear your voice. I'm ok. How are you and the babies?"

"Bry is Bry," I laugh so does he. "Ra is killing my back and he's moving around all crazy that you on the phone." I can hear his smile.

"Good. Where's my baby girl? It's quiet over there."

"She's in the car with Amina. We were going to breakfast. Oh I talked to your lawyer."

"Yeah. What he say?"

"That with all the charges and the info they got from BJ, it's gonna be hard to get bail but since I'm close to having the baby he's hoping that will help." I tell him as I lock up the house.

"Ok ok. You got 5 weeks left, right?"

"Yeah and your court date is not next week but the Wednesday after that."

"Alright. Reese says hi. And for you to call Gia and make sure she's ok."

"Ok baby."

"You have 60 seconds left." That damn voice is annoying.

"Ok ma. Take care of yourself and my babies. Tell Mina and everybody I send my love."

"Ok bae." The tears start again.

"Dada!" Embry starts freaking out.

"Put her on the phone."

"Here talk to him but hurry up."

"I love you too Dada.... Ok I wilt.... Love-" by the look on her face the call had ended.

"Here mama." After that she was not her usual hype self. That broke my heart. We were quiet the whole ride to the diner.


Baby Embry Aurora is on the side.

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