Chapter 11

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As the police questioned me all I could think about was if Embry was ok? Did she need anything? I know she's scared so am I. I know she wants her daddy, I do too.

"Aurora?" I looked up at who was calling my name. It was Kaneesha. I ran to her arms. "Oh baby they will find her. She will be back in your arms in no time." She whispers in my ear as I cry on her shoulder. "I talked to my son." I look at her. "He's super pissed. He blames himself for not being out."

"Where's Zek?"

"He's with Michael at the house. Let's go you two will stay with is for awhile." I nodded and we walked to the car. Riley was outside.

"Hey Rory. I'm here to take your car to the house. Can I have your keys?" I gave him my keys and he got in my car. I cried all the way back til Zek was in my arms. I hugged him so tightly. He's too young to understand. He just was so happy to be in my arms. I didn't let him go for the rest of the day.

I woke up and started crying again. Zek was in the bed still sleep. The clock read 4:37am. I walked down to the kitchen to make myself some tea. It would be awhile before anyone wakes up. Zek was up most of the night so Kaneesha & Michael took care of him. He misses his sister. I do too.

As I drink my Earl Grey tea with honey I think about my love. I will always be here for him and I'm never going anywhere. Even if we don't work us out, I know there is no other man for me but Dakota.

I went in my purse & grab his latest letters. Knowing I'm gonna cry more because my other half to complete me is not here. He would find our daughter.

Making your heart melt is my job as your husband, to make you feel safe, secure and protected at all time whether I am around or not. You should always know that not only are you safe but so is your heart. I got your back baby girl no matter what. I don't care whether your attitude is nasty and your breath stinks or whether you have your hair done, or there's still slobber on your face from the night before, my love is strong and my loyalty is even deeper.

My love, O, how I love hearing the sweet words that emanate from the paper in which you write your feelings down for me to understand. The inevitability of a prosperous relationship between the two of us now has been more solidified than if ever has, my love for you has grown stronger, and more certain due to the love that you show to me which seems real and everlasting. O, how I pray that this never ends, the butterflies in the stomach, and the uncontrollable ramblings is only a few of the effects that this most certain emotion of love has caused within me.

All my life I've been searching... praying... wanting... and feigning for a love, a love that seemed to be stitched and down together solely by the hand of Allah; your beauty is magnificent and your love seems unconditional, Oh, how I beg this isn't a fairy tale, or dream that complete with desires, and needs fulfilled for if this is a dream, a mere fairy tale, allow me to be lost and forever stuck in it's confinement, for life outside would seem dull and meaningless, oh, how I love this love; this feeling; this world.

The shining of her skin, and the beauty in her smile, matched with a love and personality that makes, my life worth wild, oh, how I pray that this is real, gone and last forever in a love that seems surreal, but do not pinch me nor wake me from my slumber, for if this is a fable, a mere fairy tale or dream, I will regret being awaken, and miss her kisses. A thousand summers, unseen for she is my dream woman, alive in the flesh before me, because her love and faith has completely restored me....

Longing for moments when eyes meet, and the skin chills at the brush of her touch.

Stomach churning, as my pulse raises, ever so slightly, but just enough. The smile forms, and the heart opens, as the warmth overtakes my soul. But how could it be, that by just the mere touch of her skin, it's got me acting this bold.

I grab her by the arm, and pull her close, for away is something I never want to experience again.

I've longed for too long, for a touch such as hers; losing myself, myself in her soul. As I gaze into her eyes, losing touch with reality, our souls intertwine.

As our bodies meet, and our emotions clash, we become one with each other.

Something that will forever last....

Love Always Your Husband


Kaneesha & Michael, Kota & Reese's parents, on the side

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