Chapter 8

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Ezekiel Dakota White was born into this world beautiful, healthy and looking like his daddy. I've been in love with my little boy since he took his first breath. Bry can't get enough of him either. I'm so thankful Mina and Kaneesha have been taking care of her while I'm in here. I'm going home tomorrow.

I'm sitting here nursing Zek and looking into his eyes. Their blue like Kota's and Bry's. When Embry gets upset or really pissed her eyes go greenish hazel it's weird. Ezekiel has curly light brown almost blond hair and so fair he's like really light skin. He's not white but it's like he was kissed by the sun.

I'm so excited to go home and get out the hospital. I never like it here. I even had Embry at home. I couldn't do it again and then without Dakota this time. Kaneesha and Michael had met us at the hospital when I went into labor. Kaneesha and Mina held my hands while I delivered. Wyatt was in the room facetiming my mom. She came down yesterday. All the guys and kids stayed in the waiting room.

The only thing missing from making this so special was Dakota. He's called everyday like always but I can hear it in his voice how upset he is. But he knows this is his own fault.

"Mommy? Zek? Mimi where mommy?" I can hear Embry coming down the hall way. I laugh to myself and burp him.

"Embry we're in here." I call out to her.

"Mimi, Nana they here." She walks in the room and looks so cute. She must of been with my mom all day. "Hi Mommy. How my Zek?" I shake my head at her.

"He's fine Bry. He's bout to go to sleep." I tell her as my mom comes to take him. She cooes over him and sits on the couch with Mina.

"Embry, you been having fun with Nana?" Bry just nods her head as she leans against me. I'm playing in her hair and I can feel her going to sleep. This is the only way she will go to sleep after a bad dream. Dakota used to always play in her hair. Bry came out with a full hair of honey brown hair.


"Aurora on three push and your baby girl shell be here." Dr. Cooper tells me. I look at Kota and he's sweating like he's in labor.

"Rory, our baby girl is almost here. I can see her hair tho. It's so light." He leans in to kiss me. "I love you Aurora."

"I love you too Dakota."

"Ok 1.... 2... 3 and push Rory!" Dr. Cooper says. I pushed my hardest for Embry, I just couldn't wait to get her in my arms. Then just like that her cries filled the room. I burst into tears as Kota kissed my forehead. Dr. Cooper put her on my chest.

"Hello Embry Aurora White." She was beautiful. Dakota let a few tears fall but he thought I didn't see them. As soon as Kota started calling her name like on cue she opened her eyes. Ice blue just like his.

"Oh my god. Kota her eyes." We both were lost in our daughter's eyes. She was so small and the perfect mix of us. I never felt love like that til I had Zek.

Flashback Over

Embry Aurora & Ezekiel Dakota <3<3


Baby boy Ezekiel Dakota is up.

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