Chapter 7

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After breakfast Mina had class so I took her home. Embry and I had some more shopping for Ezra to do. Once in the baby store, she did not wanna leave. So I got what I need for him along with a bunch of clothes she didn't need and a few new toys. I felt my phone ringing.


"Hey Rory. It's Gina." My mom's assistant.

"Hey my mom wanna talk?"

"Yeah girl hold on."

"Aurora? Where's my baby?" I laugh cause she's not talking bout me.

"She's right here mom. Hold on. Bry, wanna talk to Nana?" Embry started jumping up and down. I swear she loves everybody else but me.

"Nana, is that you?" After she took my phone she started talking her life away. My mom really helped Bry talk. While living with her and my mom would go on business trips, she would call to talk to her. Everyday like all the time. We got to the car and I put her in her seat. With the bags in the truck I started the car. We headed home.

Since she fell asleep in the car, I put Embry in her play-pin in the living room. She too heavy to be carrying upstairs. I laid down to rest but every time I closed my eyes, Dakota's face was there. The look he had as they took him out of out lives. More tears. Ugh this little boy got my hormones all crazy.

"Mama. Mama?" I didn't remember falling asleep but Bry was calling me from her pack-n-play. "Out please." She lifted her arms.

"Ugh Embry. You getting big girl." She laughed and went to play. "Mommy?" I looked at her. "Daddy call?"

"Not yet princess." He should be calling any minute now.

Bout another hour went by and I made dinner. Mina should be home any second now. As on cue she walked in the door. I was by the counter with my hand on my belly.

"Hey guys. You cool Rory?" She asked. I nodded then laughed. Mina and Bry looked at me like I was crazy.

"Sorry I was totally perfect til my water just broke. And he's not here to see his son be born." I started to cry. I never wanted to do this without Kota. This is one of my biggest fears.

"Oh man. Ok Embry come on so mommy can have your brother." Mina says grabbing my stuff and Embry. My phone started to ring.

"Mommy it's daddy!" Bry screamed.

"Ok go to Auntie Mina and get in the car. Please baby be good for me right now." She looked like she was gonna cry as Mina put her in the car.

"Hello?" I tried to control my breathing.

"You have a call from," the machine starts.


"at the Lakewood Correctional Facility in Plano, Pa. Press one to speak to the inmate." I pressed the button.

"Hey my love. How are you?" He says. I really melt every time I hear his voice.

"Dakota I'm on my way to the hospital."

"Are you in labor? Where's Embry?" I handed the phone to Bry so she could talk to him. I know he's stressing now. Mina is driving and I can't stop crying.

"Aurora, it's gonna be ok. We almost there." She starts.

"That's not it. I don't care about the pain. I'm bring my son into the world and his father is not here."

"I'm sorry."

"Here mama." I take the phone and we talk til we get to the hospital.



"I love you with all my heart and soul. Thank you for everything. Please give my son a kiss for me." I can hear him crying too.

"I will and I love you too." and with that our call was over.


Rory, pregnant with Zek & her mom.

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