Chapter 12

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"White." I heard the C.O. call my name. "Visit." Who in the world was here to see me. I know it's not Rory, she has too much on her mind. I hope Embry is fine. It pisses me off that I can't do anything. I was working out to relieve my stress as they called me.

As the C.O. takes me down the hall, I see another C.O. has Reese. We nod to each other and keep walking. In the lawyer room was our lawyer. He gotta big ass smile on his face.

"Great news guys." We look at him. "Your going home. Some evidence has gone missing and they have no witnesses so you two are free to go. All charges dropped." I looked at my brother and we hugged.

"Ok let's hurry this up. I need to get home." I tell them. We were out about 8 hours later. It was late at night when Chris, our lawyer, dropped us off at my parents.

"I wanna go home not here." I looked at him.

"I know but Rory and Zek are here. I talked to your dad while y'all were getting released." I couldn't get out the car fast enough. It's about 11 at night and I know my dad is up. Reese and I get out the car. I was so hype to see my girl and son yet so ready to put the niggas on to find my daughter. We walked in the door.

"Zek. Come on. Shhh." His cries fill the house.

"Maybe he don't like his poppop." I hear my mom laugh as we follow the voices.

"But I know he loves his daddy." I say walking thru the door way. They turned and looked at us, Zek started reaching for me.

"Dakota? Tyrese?" My mom was speechless. We nodded. We hug our parents and dad gave me Zek. Oh my he has gotten big. I give him kisses as my mom wipes tears from her face.

"Where is she ma? I know she needs me." I look around the room.

"She upstairs in your room." I gave Reese my son, this is the first time meeting his nephew. I took the stairs two at a time. I could hear her crying and it breaks my heart. I slowly walk into the room, the lights are out.

"Did he stop crying? I'm sorry I started crying then he started and I couldn't stop to take care of him." She cried harder. She must think I'm my dad.

"It's okay baby. I'm here now." She stopped and looked at me. I turn on the lights.

"Dakota? Baby is that you?"

"Yeah my love now please stop crying." She jumped off the bed into my arms. Rory cried harder but I know they were happy tears. Yet we couldn't enjoy this moment too much. Our daughter is still missing.

After getting Rory calm down and back to sleep, I went to take a shower. Dad, Reese, Riley, and I were down stairs talking. Everybody had came back for Embry. Wyatt, Kaden, and mom along with Rory were sleep. Zek was sleep in my lap while I was on the couch next to my baby brother.

"So Dad tell me everything that went down. Why is my niece not home?" Reese asked. I looked at him then dad.

"The police says there's no leads. There's the camera footage and we waiting for them to make contact with us. It's been about 24 hours since," he paused and looked like he was gonna cry. He loves Embry so much. "since she's been taken." He swallowed hard.

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