Chapter 17

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Every single words that came out from him is somewhat dreamy. Her heart beats are racing but yet her breath feels like about to stop. "So... Will you give me... A chance. To try it with you?"
"Is this for real?" She can't even think properly. "I'm not somehow experience a dream like.... this is my imagination when in reality I've been rushing to ICU and I almost dead, right?"
"No... It's..."
"Because I have a crazy heartbeat and It's hard to breath." Hearing that, Josh can't help but giggles. "No you're not. Why you're being so extra?"
"I don't know... Maybe because I've been dreaming all of these?" Both of them caught in silence before she finally can let her final words. "Of course.... I mean, I'd love to...try it with you." She hold his hand, with a bright smile and Josh can see how much she's nervous to say that. "Thank you... I mean....I promise to be always there for you. No matter what happened."
"No matter what happened." She nods and all of sudden Josh locked his lips to her, giving her a little surprise. Both of them giggles to realize that they're too excited about their new start. "I didn't see that coming Josh."
"Well.." He smirks, "Neither I."

"Dee!!" Suddenly they hear someone break in the room and it shocked boh of them. "Mom??" Deenah looks up from Josh and find her lovely mother walking towards her with her dad behind her. Her mom gives her a tight hug which leads both Deenah and her to a happy tears. "Mom.. Dad. I'm sorry I make you to go back early. I ruined your trip."
"No... Of course not. How can we stay there after what happened to our daughter." Her dad join his wife to hold their tiny daughter. "And how are you now, sweetie?"
"I'm good mom... Thanks to him." She points out to Josh. "Oh God. Thank you Josh. For bringing my daughter back."
"And umm...." She bites her lips with an excited pair of eyes. "It's safe to say now that I'm dating him." Her sentence just shocked both her parents and Josh himself as he whisper to her, "I think it's too early Dee.."
"No. They need to know." She talk to him before turn back to her parents again. " I'm sure mom had no complain about that. How about you?" She ask him, carefully. "What? Why me?" There's clearly a doubt on his face, and her daughter can see that. "Umm.. since you like Zach so much and you wished he will be your son-in-law.. Can you.... Let me hang on with Josh rather than Zach? I mean... I know Jack is your old friend and...."
"No Dee." His words just cut through her sentence and it makes her quite sad. But then he continues his words, "I mean... No, I don't mind. As long as you're happy. As long as you think he's the right guy. I will agree. Absolutely." For that reason, a wide smile just showed up from her face. Which light up the whole room. "God!! Thanks dad. I love you so much!" She hold her dad tightly. "I love you too Dee. And... thanks Josh." He looks down, this time to Josh. Something like a subliminal sign of permission had been given to him. "Don't mind that.. I was just trying my best." Josh smiles to him, with a shy look still on his face. "But don't you dare to make her cry okay? I put my eyes on you." He says to Josh, joking and both Deenah and her mom laugh from it. "Daddd!"

While Deenah talking with her mom, Josh discuss some stuff with her dad like how's his work both with Chili Peppers and Dot Hacker. "You guys will have another stuff after this?"
"Well, yeah. Like the Gala and others. Not a big show but we love to do it." Josh tells him happily but still with his shy personality. "Great. You know, Jack and I used to be going around at event like that and it was a good time to spent when you're not on a tight agenda."
"That's true."
"And I... I always think we will bring our kids to their wedding... You know, but turns out she had another destiny." Josh somehow feels a guilt on him. "Are you.... disappointed because... You know, it's not going on like you've always wanted?"
"I did, I mean... I can't deny that but... I also understand that. She's my daughter after all, she will growing up. I can lead her to something, but in the end, she's the one who own that life. Also, I want her just to be happy. I was so hard to her since she was a kid and I think she need some breaks."
"So.... These don't...." And then he cut Josh like he understands what he's going to say. "Don't like your presence? Haha. Of course I like you to be here. You saved her, I can't ask for more. Don't worry, we're good." Josh let out a sigh as he hear that, "Alright..."
"Oh, and I got an advice for you. Just.... don't question her when she eat pizza with wasabi." He laugh and it makes Josh to be even happier, knowing that her parents now fully accept him. "Okay, I won't. Haha."

"Karen?" They open the door just right after she kiss her daughter's forehead."Yes Honey?"
"Let's just...go home." He looks at his wife with a giggles and sign to let both Josh and Deenah alone. "Okay.... Deenah, sweetie.. me and your dad will go home. Take care okay? Josh is here. If you need anything, you can call us."
"Okay mom." Then she fix her blanket and hug her daughter once again before she leaves the room with her dad. Josh then takes a seat beside her bed and hold her hand. "So, feel better now?"
"With mom and dad came to see me? Of course, but it's a shame that I interrupt their date." She giggles, "And... How about you? Did my dad scared you?"
"Umm... Almost. But... Not really. I don't know." He laughs at how she's hoping that he got scared. "Ah come on! Did he said to you like, Stay away from my daughter! Or something?"
"Noo, of course not. Haha. He's cool. I got his permission."
"Permission for what?"
"Of course permission to take their little daughter." He giggles, "And...."
"And what?" She looks at him with a suspicious stare. "He told me to not questioning your behavior..." Josh can't help his laugh this time. "What behavior? Josh?" She's about to tickle him but then he quickly catch her hands. "He told me you like to eat pizza with wasabi." Josh burst a laugh and it makes her face turns red instantly. "Oh come on. Why the hell, he told you that one?" She covers her face with her palm. "Hey, that's not that bad. It's just..."
"It's just what?"
"Weird? Hahaha I don't know."
"Ah come on! You know me, how weird I can be?"
"As much as I know.... You can be weirder than this." He laugh so hard that he almost mocking her completely. "Come here, let me show you how weird I am." She quickly tickle him and this time he can't avoid that.


Zach wakes up earlier this morning even though he didn't get much sleep last night. His mind is full with a lot of things. And it's such a paradox to feel happy and sad at the same time. He knows how much it makes him happy to see Deenah finally find some dreams of her life but at the same time it reminds him about his own feeling. She find a new place to lean her head on and it's Josh. But as he always say to himself, all that matters is her to be happy, so he tries to accept that. "Dad. Wake up." He go to his dad's room and wake him up. "Uhh, yeah. I remember that we need to go. And Zach...." He rubs his eyes and sit before continue his words, "Are you okay?"
"Of course. Why?"
"Umm, no. I'm just wondering if you really want to see her with Josh. I mean..."
"Dad, I'm fine. I'm just her past, remember?" He smiles to Jack, "Come on. I'm good. Better we pick up Dyl right now."
"Right." Besides the fact that he always proud of his son, but this time Jack see his son differently. Zach has grown up to be a very wise man. He knows how much Zach love Deenah even before they really got on date. And today, the way Zach letting go, somehow makes him prouder than before.

Just right after they get Dyl on their car, Zach close his eyes while trying to get a quick sleep. But then Dyl pokes him. "Zach?" He open his eyes again and turn to his left side. "What?"
"Do you think.... They're gonna dating soon after this?"
"Who....." Dyl cut him, "I mean Dee and Josh. You think they'll dating?"
"Why you ask me? Of course they will."
"And you will just.... Give up, just like that?" As much as he likes Dyl as his brother, sometimes Dyl just kinda step in too much into his life. And he doesn't like it. "Dyl, I told you. It's up to her. It's her life, and it's clear she doesn't have any feeling for me anymore. So I think we should be just happy for her."
"I.. I'm so sorry. I'm just... I don't know Zach, to remember that she declined my proposal... I never think I'm gonna lose on anyone else but you."
"No, that's okay. But, we can't just always get whatever we want right? Maybe she's never meant to be mine." He sighs but then smiles to Dyl, "And just like you're letting go of her, I hope it's not only because of me but because she deserves the life that she wants."


Deenah wakes up with a gentle warmth on her hand and sunlight on her face. She still can't believe everything that happened yesterday. About Josh and everything. She also noticed how Josh spent the night holding her hand on the side of her bed. "Josh?" She touch his head and rub it gently to wake him up. "Uhh? Yeah?"
"It's already morning. I think you should go home, get some sleep and eat. You looked tired."
"What? Umm, no. I'll stay here."
"Hey, that's okay. I'm already better and my friends will be here this morning. You don't have to be worry." She hold his hand and clearly knows how tired Josh is. "You sure will be okay?"
"Sure. I'll be just fine. I won't you to get sick because of me." She smiles, telling him that he can go for rest. "Okay... But please call me if you need anything okay? You can tell nurses to call me."
"I know. Don't worry okay?"
"Alright." He bow down to kiss her forehead and then leave her room.

Just some minutes after Josh left, someone open the door and enter the room. "Clara!!!" She's so happy that she can meet her again. She can remember the last time she saw her, it was the breakfast that she couldn't even finished. "Oh God. I hope I can finished my meal Flea. I was so stupid."
"No, that's totally fine. Who can expect such a bad thing to happen?" He says to her while putting a basket of apples on her table. "Oh, and really Clara.. I missed you so much." Clara smiles with a little tears on the corner of her eyes. "Yeah, me too Dee. I almost think that we were about to lose you."
"I'm sorry. I caused so much trouble, didn't I?"
"Yeah you did." Clara messed up her hair and then hug her tight. "How are you? And where's Josh?" Flea takes a seat with Clara on the side of her bed. "Uh, he was here but he just left. I told him to go home, he looked awfully tired. And I heard you're gonna be here, also Zach so..."
"How about you two?" Clara blinked to her, like she already know what happened between them. "How do you..."
"Ah, come on! There must be something. Tell me. Right dad?" She giggles to her dad and then turn to Deenah again. "Don't ask me." Flea just stand there and hold his laugh. "Really? I need to tell you?"
"Of course! I've ben waiting for this for a long time!"
", we umm... officially dating and.." suddenly her sentence is being cut by Clara's scream, "Oh my!!!! I knew it!!! You hear it dad? I was right!"

"Alright, alright, what's that?" When they're all laughing, Jack enter the room with Zach and Dyl behind him. "Nothing Jack, just two silly girls and their lame jokes." Flea hug his old friend as he hug him back. "How are you?"
"I'm good. So do these two silly boys." Jack push both Zach and Dyl into the room. "Hi Dee." Zach finally find his words. "Hei, Zach." He walks slowly and reach her bedside. "Well, I think I should buy us something." Flea says and makes a sign so Clara, Jack, and Dyl go out for a while.

"How's everything?" Zach can't find a right start so he decided to do some light talk for the beginning. He smiles brighter than before. "I... I'm fine. As you can see."
"That's good." They're both feeling extremely awkward but then Deenah start to talk again. "I heard you help me with all those 'password' businesses. Thank you so much."
"Yeah, luckily you didn't change that."
"Of course not. I love Meatball to the end."

Slowly all of their feelings comes to the surface as their eyes become teary. All their memories, moments, floating all over it. After some times of silent, Zach start to talk again. "I will hoping for your happiness. Always." Hearing that, Deenah start to cry. "I don't know how to feel right now. On one side, I'm glad that I can be true to you and Josh. But at the same time, hearing you letting go of me... it's....."
"I know... We spent times together... A lot. I know how it feel." Zach open his arms and let her crying on his chest this time. "You know... Maybe my dad was right, I counted on you, a little bit too much. That's why." She tries to look up and smile. Released a big pound from her heart. "You know Dee? You can always count on me. As your best friend, or brother. I promise." Then this time, he's the one who starts to cry. "Come here. I can't cry too much later. Your boyfriend will come." He tries to crack a little joke, while giving her a hug that probably the warmest that he ever gave her.

Even with a big pain on his chest, there's slightly a ton of doubt, worry, and sadness start to fading away. Sure they can't forget their ups and downs. Those memories, and feelings that ever involved, all is still there. But they're safe in the deepest part of their heart. They're not gone, but turned into another things. A new solid friendship. "Promise me you'll find someone." She hold his hands and looking right into his eyes. He just looks down and giggles, "I can't assure you that. You know that. But I promise I'll try." He sighs and hold her hand back. "But until that day comes to me, I want you to live your life with him, to the fullest. Don't make me change my mind. Hahaha."
"No, of course not. I will do everything to get things work." She smirks, released another sigh through her words. "Ah, and stay away from problem, okay? Don't make anyone worry. You know you're clumsy." Zach pinch her cheek but then cup it with his palm. "I'll try. I will stay away from it." She laughs a little bit while both of their happy tears coming down.

"Well, now.. I think we're officially enter our new path."

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