Chapter 23

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"Mom? You're home?" There's a scent of freshly cut grass all over the yard. Her mom definitely take care of that house like she used to be. It used to be her, who cut the grass back then. Now she realized how long her mom doing it without her. "Mom? It's Dee. I...I took days off." She can't hear anyone from inside the house but she definitely can peek from the window and see Meatball wandering around the front door. "Hi buddy.. can you get mom? I think she can't hear me." She's kneeling on the ground and let the tip of her fingers slip in the gap between door and floor. Let her dog to smell her and get used to her again. She looks at her phone and it's 11 p.m. At the moment, she really doesn't have much energy on her and start to kinda dizzy. That time on Zach's party, she couldn't even eat a damn thing. Plus, she's still on diet and it's exhausting enough for her.

Remembering back then when she lived with her parents, she used to hide a duplicate key under her favorite pot so she can sneak out with Zach and enter home later. She doesn't know if it's still on its place or not but she takes a shot anyway. Her mom doesn't seem around, and Deenah can understand that maybe her mom is somewhere else. Her dad is far away with his works out of town and mom must be lonely. "Probably she's at uncle Joe's. Now where's that damn pot?" As long as she can remember, the pot is quite covered by lot of other pots. Right behind them. It's a giant pot with a heavy weight. With her usual energy, she might be able to take the key within 2 minutes, but with those skin and bones, she can barely lift the pot. All she can do is push the edge and slip her fingers beneath it. It's there, the key didn't move an inch.

The moment she unlocked the door, she's been bombarded by Meatball and its happy little tail. It even cries a little bit when it finds its old master ahead. "I know.. I know bud. I missed you a lot too. You're getting fat huh?" She sits down and let the dog jump to her lap, licking her face as she hug it tightly. "Let me get you some snack." They walk to the kitchen and look up the fridge. Not much food, compared to the time she was living here. She was usually stored some sweets and stuff. But since she isn't here for a long time, there's just small amount of food, she only can find a can of sardines. "Well, sorry Meaty ball, no chop chop here." She looks at the dog and its sad eyes. "Come on. We can order some, right? Come here."

Couch, TV, and a dog eating 2 pieces of sauceless steak on the floor. Just by seeing this dog, it already gives her a little smile. Also the environment. She doesn't like New York as much as here. The smell, the sound, so California-ish. The dog bite some and jump to her lap, with a piece of meat. It drops the meat on her hand and looks at her, smiling happily. She chuckles and pet its head, "No, I don't eat this. There's no sauce in it, also...too much fat in it." She sighs, ironically.


For some days, Karen going home with the same loneliness and cold feeling. It's just her and Meatball all this time. This day also the same. She has to deal with it everyday. Plus some other problems lately. So when she step from the gate, she can feel someone's inside her house. The warmth, the sound of TV, and a cheering bark from the bulky bull. She close the gate and step in the entrance. Smell a little bit meat from her windows.

"Dee?" She's staring at her now-mature daughter. How she's changed through times. "Mom? Oh God. I'm sorry I didn't call you before I got here. Where had you been? Uncle Joe's?"
"Umm. No, actually. Just take care some legal stuff." She tries to smile to her daughter. "You're far thinner Dee."
"You too mom. You're okay?"
"I'm okay honey. know.. a little bit tired, taking care of this house. Too big for me alone."
"Right. Ah, talking about that. Dad still work out town?"
"Umm, ah, yes."
"When will he came back? I missed him too." For a moment, Karen can't answer that question but luckily got a backup words for it. "I don't know honey. You know him, he loves his job. You wanna eat something?"
"No mom, I'm not allowed."
"By who?"
"No one. I just need to maintain my weight." Karen looks at her, can't believe what she just heard. "But you already losed lot weight. You need to eat something."
"Thank you mom. But really, I can't. Anyway, I'm really tired. Do you lock my room? I think I wanna get some rest."
"No, sure. I mean, I never lock that. I know you'll use it." Hearing that, Deenah smiles to her. "Thanks mom." She takes slow steps on the stairs, getting used to her weak body now. Even in the middle of staircase, she already getting tired and need to stop for awhile.

There are much changes that Karen did to the house. Some furniture is not on its place, neither photographs. She can't find their family photo on the wall. Also somehow her mom put the telephone on the second floor now. "Why the hell she put telephone here?" She also take a look at her mom's room. It's more tidy than usual. Their vintage wardrobe isn't there but there's a small table besides the bed. There's her picture on it. She can tell from the green hair on that picture. Along with a paper near the frame. She walk further to see what it is. She unfold it carefully because she knows how inappropriate it is to sneak in her parents room without permission.

"What is this letter?" She take the paper closer to her eyes and read them slowly. From all the possibility that was on her mind a couple minutes ago, never she expect to read such thing like this. "Divorce paper? No... Impossible." She can't believe her eyes and read it once again. "Fuck, no. There must be a mistake.... Mom??" She shout out which surprised her mom downstairs. "Yes honey?"

She runs downstairs, despite of how less energy left on her leg, she can't wait to ask everything. Clear things up. "Mom, this is a mistake right? Please tell me it is." She brings a paper with her and Karen can guess what it is. "Honey, do you go to my..."
"Just answer that mom..." Both of her eyes are red and those eyes can be raining in any time from now. "A lot happened Dee. Things after you left."
"Why you didn't tell me mom??? Why you took this problem alone?"
"I can't tell you Dee. Not with the work, your job. I won't make you worry. I got this."
"You lied mom. This is too much for you. That's why you got skinny. You can't take this thing by yourself. You're not that strong!"
"For all respect honey, before you tell me that I can't handle it, just look at your damn self!" She never see her mom like this before. There's so much pain on her eyes right now. The anger that probably she hold all this time. "So yeah, I think it's a good thing not to tell you. Because your problem even lot worse than me. Look at how weak you are now."
"Hold on, this is not about me! It has nothing to do with..." For a couple of seconds she stop and think about something. "It is.... It's because of me? It all started because I left home? I caused this? I..." She smirk, nearly crying. She turns from her mom and walk back to her room. Leaving a cloudy emotion all over the house.


Night going on, ready to greet another sunset. But without another conversation between them. She knows her daughter too well to know that Denah might be really upset to even lock the door for hours. The last time she see Deenah out of her room is when she take Meatball to her room without saying any words to her. "Deenah... Sweetheart. Let's talk okay? I'm so sorry about last night. It had nothing to do with you dear.." All of her efforts to make her daughter open the door seems not working. "Honey?"
"I'm not interested." She hear Deenah's weak voice behind the door and it really breaks her heart. God knows how much she love her daughter and that her problem with her husband shouldn't be a pain in the ass for Deenah.

All of sudden she go out, fully dressed. She just walk passed her. "Deenah, where will you go?"
"Having fun, do I need to tell anyone? It's not that important rather than a divorce though."
"Honey, come on. Listen, let's talk about that."
"No. I got a plan with Craig. Sorry." Karen wants to stop her as soon as he hear that name. "Craig? The bully? Deenah, he bullied you. Remember?"
"I do, but he got some fun. Guess I need that, also... I'm no longer fat like he said right? That's why he invited me over."
"Deenah, please don't do this..."
"Bye mom."


"Wait Harry. I got a call." They stop playing as Zach put his guitar down. "Zach's here."
"Zach, it's Karen. Do you have a time?"
"Umm, honestly I'm on rehearsal for tonight's performance. Why?"
"Oh... I'm sorry that I disturb you. I will call you later...." Zach quickly cut her, "No, that's fine. If there's something I can help, I will go right after the show. What happened?"
"Deenah.. she was back to my house last night...."
"Wait, what? For real? That's good! I mean..."
"But we fight. Because of... Umm... I didn't tell her about my divorce."
"What? A divorce? You didn't tell me neither my dad. I'm sorry to hear that."
"I know.. now she's really upset and go to meet Craig. She's been hating him for long time. She must be really angry to even put herself near him just to avoid me."
"No way.. that Craig? She's out of her mind. Just wait home okay? I will go find her after this. I promise."

After put his phone down, he get his guitar back and about to play. But both Harry and Dyl stare at him like they're really want to know what happened. "We heard something about divorce. Who's that?"
"Umm. It's Mrs. Clark, Harry. It's shocked me."
"Geez, it's awful. But what's the matter between the divorce and Craig?"
"You know Craig?"
"Of course we know. You and Deenah hate him a lot." Dyl raises his eyebrows as he remembered their talk about Craig years ago. "So... Deenah just got back to her parents house last night.."
"What? That's good..."
"No, not good. It didn't end there. She also just found out about the divorce."
"Okay, we're listening. But still what's the matter with Craig? I don't get it."
"Deenah was really upset that she's now hanging out with Craig. One guy that her mom will never like. How does it sounded?"
"Awful. Extremely awful."
"Now you understand." He take another break before continue, "But, let's just focus on what we need to do, I'll deal with it later. Come on!"


Craig is always a jerk, everything against Josh. He's over confident, a jock, nothing about him is serious. Deenah has no intention to involve further with him rather than spit on Josh's personality at one shot. Craig has this Playboy-look from head to toe. Banging on every girls on their high school, accept Deenah. "Hey Craig, I'm here."
"Wait!" He's running to his door to get her. As he open it, he has a gasp from what he see in front of him. "Wow. You looked hotter than I thought. I mean... Haha... Even now you're a model though."
"So you will let me in or not?"
"Well, sure!" He lets her coming in and sit on his couch. " You know what? I almost think that you will refuse my invitation. know..."
"I'm no longer fatty bear, you can't bully me anymore."
"Ss..sure I won't. I love what I see. I just didn't expect you will actually coming. For real. Since I saw your shoot, I can't believe my eyes. But, haha. It's really you, Deenah Clark." He take a seat beside her and luring his eyes all over her.

"So... Why you agree?"
"I don't know. You said you wanna have fun, I came for that."
"Right. Haha." He slowly put his hand behind her. Ended up placing it on her waist. "You like to drink?"
"Depends. What you got?" She knows what he's doing there. How cheesy he tries to build the mood. "What about" Now his hand is down her ass. "God, you might be skinny but you still got..." He whispered to himself which Deenah still can clearly hear. "Got what?"
"Well. Hahaha. Since you asked. You still got a thick ass. Man..."
"So, where's the wine?"
"Oh, yes. Right. Wait here." He quickly take two glass and put them on the table. Pouring some red wine for them, he can't help but stares at Deenah's physical appearance.

Deenah take the glass and drink some. Craig is just there, looking at her lips as he tries another move to place his hand on her thighs. "Hey, umm Deenah."
"Are you always like this? I mean, now?"
"Appealing. Tempting."
"I don't know. You tell me." She take her glas down and let him touch her inner thighs. "Oh man... You're so hot. I think... How about move to my room?" He lift her hair and tied it, exposing her neck. She can tell from the bulk on his pants that he wants her badly. "What do you think I'm gonna say?"
"I don't know... I mean... Oh my.. if you say yes, I'm assure you we will having so much fun in there."
"So much fun?"
"Yeah, much fun." Anyone can tell that he's horny as a bull. "Bring me there."


"You know where this jerk live?" Right after the show finished, they go straight to backstage and changing clothes. Dyl is the one who brings this up. "Well, not quite sure. If he hadn't move yet, then yes." All of his band mates are like looking at him, with a proud face. Harry smiles to him as Zach is getting ready. "I'm sure you're able to bring her home. She trusted you."
"I hope she still does. I don't know what to say to he mom if I failed."


"What the hell Josh? So that's why she went home early that night?" It takes more than 2 days before they found out what Josh did on Zach's birthday. But they can't really told him about their plan either. "Josh, you can't just... You know, talking to her like that. You know that." Deep inside, Clara really pissed. Especially because it ruined their plan. "Calm down Clara, no need to take it too far." Flea, in the other hand knows exactly what his daughter feels. "I know, I'm so sorry Clara. I was.. a little bit drunk that night. I can't help it."
"Okay. Nevermind, I won't..... Wait a minute." She got a call from her client and needs to go. "Just.. forget about all of this. Okay?" She leaves the room and now it's just Josh and Flea.

"Right." Josh looks down, feeling guilty. "No need to blame yourself Josh, she just...upset."
"I know. But she's right, why the hell I was talking to her that way? I don't even have the right."


Hoping that he goes to the right place, he knock the door a couple times. "Craig? Craig? It's Zach. Open it." He can't hear anything from the door and tries to look from the gap between windows and its frame. "Craig? Deenah?"

"What the hell?" He's kissing Deenah and about to take of his clothes when he hear someone downstairs, right from his door. "You bring him here?"
"No. Of course not. You think I'm crazy?" Deenah is as confused as him, but she thinks she knows how Zach find her. "Sorry Craig, I will...."
"No, you wait here. I'm not finished here. I'll take care of him."
"But Craig..."
"Come on, you're already here. I will not let anything disturb us." He fixes his shirt and go downstairs, straight to the door and open it.

"Oh hey bud! What's up?"
"Just cut the crap Craig. Where's she? Where's Deenah? I know she's here." Zach tries to break in but Craig stop him. "Hey, come on! Take it easy. You know what? Maybe...we can having fun with your little girl friend. Three of us, it will..." Without any warning, Zach punch him in the face. "First, I'm not interested. Second, It's never a pleasure to talk to you. Now if you won't let me in, I will make sure you can't eat with your teeth tonight."
"Geez...chill man! You don't need to punch the shit outta me." He rub his face and feel a little pain on his teeth. Zach doesn't even care and just coming in.

From the door, to the stairs, he can't stop thinking about what she might have done with Craig. He's definitely not ready to see her half-naked on that jerk's bed. "Deenah? Dee..." He open the door and just find Deenah sit on the bed, fully dressed with a cold expression. "Hi, Zach." He go straight to her, grab her hand and drag her out from this place. He doesn't even say a thing until they reach his car.

His hands on the wheel, eyes down. He can't believe that she actually enter that house just to pissed her mother. "Zach, I known what you're thinking but..."
"Stop Dee. You don't even know what I'm thinking right now." He takes a deep breath before continue, "Are you out of your mind?? Why the hell you go to his place? You're better than this! I can't even imagine what he already did to you."
"No! We...we didn't do it...yet."
"Yet?? So if I didn't break in, you're willing to hooked up with that bastard? Come on! Now I'm angry."
"Nevermind. I will drive you home." He hit the gas and drive as soon as possible. Heat is on his head. It really pissed him off.

All she can do is just looking down her hand the whole road home. Her mind is not in the good phase either. She's sad, mad, and empty at the same time. Mostly because her guilty feelings. About the divorce and other. "Zach.. is this all my fault?"
"What do you mean?"
"If I didn't leave home..just if I did all of this differently. Would it be better?"
"Dee... it's not..." He doesn't see her cry, doesn't even a tear. But to see her eyes, is painful enough for him. "It's not your fault. You got your own problem, so do they. We can't...."
" know what Zach? I really wanna go back to high school. Things going on perfectly. Everyone's happy.....I...." Zach stop the car and look at her, "Dee. Look at me. Hey. I'm here, we can go through this together. I'm your big bro, remember?" He offers a hug, which she accepted. It feels good to her to actually have a person that she can always count on. He understands her way more than everyone. "I know.. it's just... I think, if only I never met Josh...and stick to you. Everything will be at its place."
"Hey...let it go. Okay? It doesn't work like that. It's already written for us. I will always happy if you're happy."
"Yeah..thank you so much Zach..for being here. I...I..."
"Now just go back okay? And go apologize to your mom. Promise me?"
"I will Zach.. I will." Right after that, he continues to drive. Now with a lighter feelings around them.

"I'm sorry you got into this mess. I mean... you're busy about band and stuff but yet you picked me up in the night like this. You must be tired."
"Kinda." He smiles, knowing that their conversation turned into a better direction. "But that's fine. I'm willing to do that. You're my sister, friend, and everything. There's no way I won't pick you up. Just... promise me you'll stay at home as long as you need. Okay?"
"Okay.. also, I will tell mom to not bothering you." She giggles. "Look at you. Finally happier. Glad to see that."

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