Chapter 22

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"This is nice though." John really likes how Zach arranged this celebration as simple as possible. All he did was just booked a riverside restaurant and invite some closest friends. They all know John doesn't really like crowd so Paige kinda assume that Zach did that in particular for the sake of John, his dearest mentor. "I know you love the view." She says to him, and John smiles widely. "Yeah. And the vibe. Where's that birthday boy?"
"I'm here!" Zach surprised them from behind and John quickly gives him a hug. "Happy birthday big boy. I still remember how young you were when I gave you that white strat."
"Of course! Who can forget that? Me and Deenah..." Then Zach like hold his breath as he says her name. Both John and Paige know how much this kid miss his bestfriend. "Oh come on! It's your birthday. She will definitely come." It's now Paige that giving him the hug. "Yeah, right. Let's....come in. Dad and others are already here." He points at a table where Jack, Flea, Chad, and Anthony sit. "Where's Josh?" Paige ask him and he raises his eyebrows, "Well, about that...seems like he's not in a good state of mind right now. He drinks a lot. Now he's vomiting."
"What happened?"
"I don't know. He came here with a sad face. I guess Flea knows what happened but Flea won't tell me. Maybe you can..." Zach's expression is like begging for her to ask Flea. "Umm... alright. I'll ask him but I can't promise anything okay?"
"Right. Thank you Paige." Zach then leave to take something from his car while John and Paige go to their table.


"Can you please let me go alone Rick?" This is the last attempt that she does to make her manager agree to let her go alone. "No. I told you, too much person involved with you in the past, in one place. I need to watch your attitude."
"But Rick...."
"No complain. Remember?"
"Okay. I'm just.... Don't feel right to bring you to a private celebration." She meant it, it's Zach's celebration and he already told her about the 'private' aspect. "Trust me, you need to stay professional even on some private events."


"Honey, John, I want to go to Flea. You wanna wait here or..."
"I'll stay here and talk with Zach. It's been a long time since I talked with him."  John blink his one eye to her and Paige understand that John misses his precious student. "Got it. Be nice to him okay?"
"Don't worry. I always do. You know that." She giggles a little bit then leaves John.

It takes her some times before she can reach Flea and poke his shoulder. He quickly turn around and smiles right after he see her. "Paige! Nice to see you again. Where's John?"
"He wants to talk to Zach, I guess. Teacher-student kind of talk." She says to him, with a smirk on her face. "Oh, by the way Flea, can we talk for a moment?" She looks at Anthony and Chad, she needs to talk with Flea and it's just two of them. Flea got the clue and then turn to both Chad and Anthony, "Guys, I'll back soon okay?" They nod and wave to both Flea and Paige.

After find a quiet place, Paige ask Flea what she and Zach want to know. "Hey umm, I heard Josh is drunk. What happened?"
"Ah, did Zach told you to ask me?"
"Well umm, kinda... But I want to know too. I mean... Is it because Zach invited her or...."
"No. I mean..." Flea hold back for awhile but then let out a sigh, "Listen, Josh just sad right now and it's not Zach's fault. Josh is okay about he invited her over. It's just hard now because of what he saw this morning."
"He see her?"
"No." Flea smirks, knowing that she would expect that. "We don't see her yet. All of us. But me and Josh watched TV earlier, and see her there."
"What so weird about that? She's been seen on TV quite often."
"Well, what's weird? Nothing. But for some reason he was sad to see that interview." Guessing that Paige didn't watch that yet, Flea continue to explain. "Ah, let me show you this." He pulled out his phone and search through YouTube.

It's just a usual clip of Deenah being interviewed, of course with that gorgeous look that doesn't even looked like her. They talked casually about work and stuff but then she's been asked about playing some instruments.

"Have you ever played instruments?"
"Umm, not necessary but... Yes I have."
"What instruments?"
"Umm, drum.. and guitar. But I can't really play them properly. Just some basic moves."

Paige pauses the video and look at Flea. He nods, "Yup, it was Josh who taught her to play. But that's not even the reason why he's sad. Play it again."

"So, you played them for awhile, but not really into it. Why? Is it because you don't like it or what?"
"No, no. Umm.. I like to play them. It's just I have no talent on it. But I love to see and touch those instruments."
"Ah, now I remember that you were once close with Zach Irons and even befriend with him. Was he the one who taught you?"
"No, I mean we're still friends. And as long as I know him, we never go to play instruments together. I was the band manager."
"You learned it by yourself?"
"That's also not true. Someone taught me to." Paige can see how much Deenah hold her smile through the interview everytime they talk about the person who taught her to play instruments.

"Someone? Did he a musician?"
"Yup. Wait, I didn't say it's a man."
"Hahaha, I just assumed that. But, is he good at it? Do I know him?"
"Well, I... can't tell you that?"
"Why? He told you no to tell anyone?"
"No. It's just our privacy. Also, even to think about it...." She took a moment before she continued her sentence. "Just hurt. But also beautiful at the same time. I can't tell."
"Well, you don't have to tell me his name. But I think, just maybe we can talk about your feelings. I mean, we never see you talking about personal stuff before. If you don't mind."
"Haha. I have to admit that you're smart at digging in people's mind."
"Thanks. I studied about people. Back then."
"It shows. Really. This is engaging conversation, you got me."
"See? You can tell me then."
"You still have a feeling for that man?"
"Umm, I don't know about it. I tend to forget everything about us and focus on my work... But if I have to be honest, maybe yes."
"Why don't you tell him?"
"The pain, Greg. It's the pain. I mean, we once got ummm, too-good-to-be-true kind of life. And when It gone wrong, I can't find myself anymore."
"I know that you were engaged with Matthew. And all of sudden you guys separated. Is that because of that man?"
"No, not necessary. It's not because I want to back to him but... Matthew just pushed me too far to be friends with 'that man' again. Which is a no for me."
"Okay. So Matthew knew about your history with that guy?"
"He did."
"You guys ever talked again after separated?"
"Umm, no. I don't talk to much people recently. It's just me and work. And maybe Zach. I found that comfortable to talk with him lately. But yeah, not much."
"Is there any chance for you to meet that guy again?"
"The nameless guy."
"Umm, I went to LA a couple times and I was sure that I saw him but I knew he didn't recognize me. Which is good."
"Really? Not even a glimpse?"
"You didn't want him to find you?"
"I don't know. Maybe. I...I don't know. But I'm glad he didn't. I mean, I can't face another conversation and pretend that everything is fine. I need to focus on my own stuff and stay away from emotional things."
"No chance of... You know, together again?"
"Probably not. But let's move on from this talk, shall we?"

The moment she hear it, she stop the video and giving the phone back to Flea. "I get it. The last sentence, isn't it?"
"Yeah. Also the fact that we know how much pain seen on her face when she talked about it. We know she was being serious about that sentence."
"I know.. it must be hard for Josh to hear that."
"Very hard. He still blame himself about that night. He told me that he shouldn't ignore her and makes everything worse. He also said that Deenah had all the rights to kiss Matthew because of it. He deeply regrets the way he talked to her for the last time. It was like pouring gasoline to a small fire."

She knows how small the chance is, but he got an idea. "Hey, we know that Deenah still believe Zach. You think he can talk to her about it?"
"But, I don't think it will work."
"At least we try..."
"Okay, okay. But don't tell Josh that we drag Zach on this. He's really serious about maintain Zach's friendship with Deenah."
"I swear I won't."

They go back to restaurant right when Deenah comes in. She looked gorgeous with that dress and that hair. Never crossed their mind that she can be really glamorous. But no matter how much she looks good, it's just not her.  Zach quickly go to her and hug his old bestfriend. "Dee! God, I almost doubt myself. I think you're not gonna come."
"Of course I will." She smiles widely to him and looks around, knowing that Josh will be there. But she pretend to not seeing him. "Hey, umm Zach. I know you said it's a private party but..." She's not finished yet and Zach can see someone behind her. "Is he..."
"No, it's not what you think. He's my manager, Rick. He's the one who makes my hard work happened."
"Okay..." It's kinda pissed him to see this man, standing behind her with his cocky face and that attitude. "I guess I know why they don't like you."
"Umm. Nevermind, forget it. I don't like him but.... Right, come in." He let her and the manager in. And thanks to Clara who arrange the table, Deenah will sit right in front of Josh. "Zach, can I sit anywhere else?" She whisper to him. "I'm sorry you can't. Clara already prepared everything and I can't change that."
"Okay." She finally sigh and sit.


Like usual, Zach can be really shy about talking in front of people, but he handles it. "And John, thank you for coming. I know how sappy it is, but you're the best teacher, mentor, and a person to look up to." John smiles to see how much this young kid grown up. "And for my dad. I love you so much. I can't even tell that in a proper sentence. Harry, Dyl, Daniel, Dane, guys are my men." He laugh a little bit when he see some crazy shit they do as he said their name. "For the Chili Peppers, you guys are legends. We will always learn something from you. Musically, mentally."

"For Deenah. I almost think that we will never seeing each other again. You were the strongest person I've ever know and I hope you still are. My best friend." People cheers a bit as Zach talks about her and it bring a little tears to her eyes. She loves this man so much as a brother and a friend. Hearing that she can't feel anything but happiness.

"Don't cry. You don't need them." Suddenly Rick says to her, forced her to wipe her eyes carefully. "Why not?"
"Remember, your image. You're a fierce lady. You already ruined that with the interview today. I told you not to answer personal questions but you did."
"I'm sorry. I can't..."
"Forget that. Now lift your head and keep your straight face." Her facial expressions changed and the smile disappears. Sitting right in front of her, Josh knows what's going on. And he's angry to see that she can't stand by herself. He always love her smiley-happy face, the genuine expression, but this damn man wash it away in an instant.

"Hey Dee!" Zach waves from meters away to her, and she tries to wave back when Rick is busy with his phone. How much she tries to hide it, Zach can see that she's scared of this man beside her. He's sick of it and about to drag this man but then Flea calls him out. "Zach come here!" He turn to Deenah and shout, "We'll talk later, okay?" Then he go to Flea.

However, when Deenah turn her face, she see that Josh is staring at her. And she can tell that he's been doing that for minutes. It makes her uncomfortable but also scared that Rick will notice that somehow. So she get up and get herself together, "Rick, umm... I will go to bathroom okay?" Rick doesn't even look at her and nods.

Josh now keep his eyes on Rick. Along with alcohol, he tempted to beat him. He see how much evil in this man's eyes. He almost stand up and do whatever when suddenly Rick got a phonecall. He hold himself and let Rick go out for his call. Right after that, he gets up to find Deenah.


"So what do you think?" Paige ask him and now waiting for his response, along with Flea. "Umm... I really want to help. But what if she won't listen?"
"I'm sure she will listen." Flea cut the conversation. "But I can't be sure about her thoughts." Zach think for awhile, about the risk and others. "Okay, I'll talk to her." Both Flea and Paige are happy to hear that. "Thank you Zach. We know we can count on you."
"Keep that for later. I still need to talk with her."

So he goes to where Deenah sit, but he can't find any of them. Josh and her manager, Rick. Instead, he see her journal. For awhile, he thinks about looking for it, just in case she wrote all her feelings there.  But there's still doubt to open it, he scared that she will see him. So he just quickly take his phone, and takes so many pictures of it while he can.


Unlike what she says, he can't find her at tje bathroom and tends to go outside. Even it's cold outside, the heat on his body raising up very fast. He go everywhere just to find her and there she is, sitting on a bench, looking on the street. He quickly got on his knees and hug her tightly. "I'm sorry. I hurt you. But please tell me that it's not true." Deenah surprised by how Josh reacted simultaneously. "Josh, let me go. I don't know what you mean."
"You will be back right? You will give me another chance." She then remember the interview and get the clue about everything, but also she smell alcohol from him. "Josh, you're drunk. Please stop."
"No, if I let you go, you will gone like the last time. I can't... I can't handle it anymore. I need you to come back."

His words bring so much tears on her eyes, but also the anger. She hates him for the past time. "I warn you Josh. If you don't let me go, I will..."
"What? Anything but leaving me? I'll accept that."
"Seriously Josh! I need to go. Rick will..." Then suddenly he kisses her and shut her up. She doesn't know if she can fight it or not. His scent, his hand on her cheeks. He's gentle even when he's drunk. But once he let go, he can't help but shout at her. "I hate him Dee! I hate that Rick guy. He forced you to do things you don't like. He treats you badly and..."
"Stop there Josh. You said about he treated me badly, but how about you? Do you even know how much that night affected me? How bad it was? You can't just come to me all of sudden like nothing happened. So tell me once again, who treats me badly? Him, or you?" She let his hands go from her cheeks and forced him to let her go. For him, those words are slap in the face. It's been awhile since they talked, and it ended badly like the last time.


Deenah back to the restaurant almost crying on her eyes. She's mad, she's sad, and she can't stay any longer. She go to her table and can't find Rick but Zach. "Uh, Zach. Where's Rick?"
"He's out I guess. But you're here, can we talk?"
"Umm, I'm sorry Zach. I really need to go home. I guess I'm sick or something."
"Come on, you can't lie to me. What's that?" He points out at her eyes. "Nothing. I need to go back. I need to find Rick."
"While you're waiting for him, let's just talk. Okay?"
"Sorry Zach. I... really can't. I'm not feeling well and...." Suddenly they see Rick back from his call. "You hear her? You need to let her go home. I will take care of her." Zach, secretly pissed then half-hearted let them go. "Okay, okay. But Dee.."
"Whenever you need a friend to talk, you know my number." She nods and then leaves the restaurant with Rick ahead her.

Right after it, Zach go to Flea and says, "What happened to her? Did somebody said something to her before?"
"Me? I didn't do anything. Neither Paige. No one else knows about our plan." Paige nods to Flea's words. Out of somewhere, Zach suspect someone. "What about Josh?"
"I don't think so...but when you mentioned him, I couldn't spot him anywhere. Maybe he did something out of our plan."

"But if you're right and he did something to her, I think he just ruined our chance to help him out."


"Yes?" He focus on the road that he doesn't even pay attention to her. "Can I get some time off? I'm really tired."
"What? You can't do that. We will have an important shoot this week."
"I know, but I mean after that."
"For what?"
"I want to visit my mom. I misses her."
"Okay. Just your mom. No Josh, or Zach. They affect you, I can smell that."
"What do you mean? No Zach?"
"You're emotionally attached to him. I can't let it be going on too long." It's kinda upset her that she can't even talk to Zach. Zach is the only person she can really talk to right now. But if she's not allowed, she can't fight it.

"Okay. I understand. Just my mom."

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