Last Straw

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A/n: my writing is cringey I'm sorry SJSKSKS

I came early this time. As I stepped in, the boys were looking at me, but I ignored and sat next to Kurenai. I heard every girl in the classroom squealing, I turned around to see what's the fuss was about.

Of course, they were fan girling for the silvered headed boy.

"Hey- uh Kurenai? Why are they fan girling so much of that boy?"

Kurenai smiles, "hm? well Y/n are you becoming one?" She questioned as she was nudging me.

"Gross! No!" We both laughed.

"Haha well he is the most skilled and intelligent person throughout the whole entire class." I looked back at him.

"Also I believe they see him as "cute" or "attractive", I honestly don't see it. He always looks bored out of his mind!" I nodded my head in agreement. I was still staring, he was reading a book and didn't give two flying fucks for all his fan girls that praised him.

The girl with purple markings on her cheeks that's sitting next to him, glared at me.

Hm, I'm not into him, chill. I thought as I continued my conversation with Kurenai.

"Hey! Red Bull!" I ignored the kid. "Hey im talking to you!" He tapped my shoulder with his crusty ass hands. I stopped my conversation and turned around.

"What's good?" He's missing with the wrong girl.

"Haha, my dad told me that your mom was the tomato at his time!" The group of boys laughed. "And you? You're like a tomato part two! But we call you Red Bull because that's a even better nickname for a red faced dweb girl like you!"

I can't keep my cool! My eye is twitching badly. My hand turned into a fist.

"Oh look guys, she's going to hit me, oh how scared" he said sarcastically.

That's my last straw!

"You shouldn't had said that!" I calmly said.


I had given him a huge ol' punch in the stomach, he flew across the room. The room went silent, everyone was too shooketh. And that's good enough for me!

"Oh you're gonna get it this time!"

"Woah! What happened!?" Sensei came in.

"Nothing, Im just a little hungry." The boy spoke giving me a death stare.

Ohhh how scared, I thought sarcastically.

"Wow y/n, i never thought you've had it in you!" Kurenai shockingly said.

"Well, my parents did taught me a little." We both laughed. Class continued. Oh shoot, I feel bad for obito. He must feel rejected by me not sitting next to him. I looked at his seat.
He's not here.

"So y/n, do you like anyone?" Kurenai mischievously said.
I spit my water out. "No, never!"

"Really? Well I think Asuma is really cute!" I thought that was cute. Ahh Young love.

"Well, between girl to girl conversation, I think you should go for it!"

"You really think so!?" Her eyes sparkled.

"YES DEFINITELY!" I exclaimed.

"Tomorrow though, I don't have the guts right now." She said nervously. I laughed.

"Y/N!" I looked at the direction where voice came from. I saw a boy with really bushy eyebrows running towards me.

"Guy right?" He nodded.

"I just wanted to say that was a really strong move you pulled back there! I just wanted to be friends with you. Maybe even rivals?!" I nodded and thanked him.

"No, I should thank you! If I need to be strong like that, I have to train harder than ever! I need to make papa proud!" He gave me a thumbs up. He runs away from me.


Kurenai giggles,"Looks like you have yourself a fanboy."

"Ummm, no. You See Kurenai, this is a start of a new beautiful friendship!" I exclaimed. In order to pass time, I asked Kurenai about the kids and what their names are, since I'll be with them for the rest of my life.

Time skipped
I was a little anxious about after school. Do I have what it takes to beat him up? The bell rang.

"Class dismissed."

Oh god, oh my god oh my god oh my god.

What have I done. I stayed in the room while everyone leaves. While it's only Kurenai and I. She couldn't stay any longer, she apologized and left. I understood why.
My heart was pounding. I walked and went outside of the entrance.

"Well well well..." the boy was there. Phew, I only thought more would come.

"Look who decided to show up." Soon more boys came from the shadows. Oh shit.

"Get her!"
I punch and kicked some their nuts, but they recover quickly. How? They pulled my hair and started to punch me in the face.

"You want more?" I bit his hand as hard as I could.

"Ow! You little punk!" I couldn't kick or punch! his crew held me down.

"HEY! LEAVE HER ALONE!" Everyone looked at the kid on the tree, I couldn't see who it was! It was too bright.
"Pick someone your own size damnit!"

"Oh how fun!" The bully cracked his knuckles. The mysterious boy came down and kicked and punched. He got half of the people, but now he was the one getting beat up...

"This is boring let's leave!"
They ran away. The kid then rose up and walk up to my direction. He look beaten up. More beaten up than me.

"You okay.... Y/n?" I looked up.
It was... Obito?
He smiled and gave me hand to help me up.

"Th- Thank you so much Obito!" what is this feeling? this... this tingling feeling inside of me?
I blushed when he kept on smiling.

"I could've got them all of them if I awoken my Sharigan!" He said disappointedly.

"Maybe next time y'know!" I assured him.

"Hey! Y/n! What happened!? What happened to her!? What the hell happened to her!!?" It was dad. Shit!

"It's okay sir, I protected her when I came. I scared them off!" I laughed lightly.

"Well thank you! I'm glad you did!" My dad thanked Obito as he was picking me up.

Naruto's Older Sister (Kakashi x Reader) Où les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant