Team Guy

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woke up next to a note from gramps. He must've left and traveled again.

Y/n, you must stay and keep on an eye watch on Naruto, he's going to missions soon and you gotta take care of him. He became a genin just today, don't ask me how, ask him if you can. Take care and have fun with your new position.
Ps. The novel might come out a little late, it's been busy, but I might mange.
~Great Sage Of All Time

I was confused and happy at the same time. How did Naruto do it? He surprises me every time.

Today was like a freebie day. Tomorrow I will I introduce myself with the new genin. I walked outside with my hand in my pockets. I spotted Guy with his team. Aw so cute.
What is this? A look a like Guy?

Tenten's POV
"We'll being going on a mission tomorrow so get some rest," Guy smiled giving us a thumbs up. We nodded. I watched as he left, but then a beautiful woman came up and hugged him.

Is-is that his girlfriend? I looked to see if Neji and Lee saw it. They did.

"You think she's his girlfriend?" I nervously asked. "Of course tenten! A handsome beast like him, he could get any girl." Lee sprouted with joy. Neji and I exchanged a gross expression.
"Why don't we spy on them?" I was serious, no way a guy like him could be with a girl like her.

"Why don't we asked?" Lee went running up to them, no lee! Neji tried to stop him but he was too fast. He got to them.

First Person
"Hi miss, My team and I were wondering, if you were dating this handsome beast of the leaf." The young looking Guy was determined about something. I couldn't hold my laugh any more, neither can Guy.


we bursts out laughing. The rest of his team came, they were confused. We calmed down and explained. "Oh no no, were just friends from back then, shes actually my second rival." Guy wiped a tear. "She's going to be a second sensei to you guys and every upcoming team for now on. If you guys need more support on your techniques she's more than happy to help. Or if I'm sick or I'm a mission she might as well replace me."

We then walked to the teams training grounds.
"As your sensei already told you, I'll be an extra sensei for now on. We'll now introduce each other, I'll go first," I sat on the ground,"I'm y/n Namikaze, I like to travel and help others, I dislike people who hurt others without a purpose. My dream is to become a legendary konuichi." They all admired my determination. "Hello I'm-," the girl with the buns spoke.

"Hello Im Rock Lee!" The boy with the bowl cut interrupted, "I like to train with sensei, and I can't use any ninjutsu, so that's why I like to train with sensei a lot. He's just like me! I want to show that you don't need ninjutsu to be a great ninja!" I applaud at his comment. I looked at the kid next to him, he has the same eyes as hinata, cousins maybe? "You must be part of the hyuga I see. How's hinata?" I smiled, he looked coldly at me, my smile faded.

"I'm neji hyuga. I'm more suprier than that weakling hinata. I want to change my clans ways." He glared at me. I laughed nervously.
"haha, uhh, who's next?" We all looked at the girl with the buns.

"Uh hi I'm Tenten. I want to be like the legendary sanin, Lady Tusnade. It doesn't matter if I'm good at medical jutsu or strength, I just want to be like her one day," her eyes sparkled,"but if that doesn't work out, I'll be the best weapon user that ever lived."
I looked at her.

"you know, I was trained by two legendary sanin. Old man Jiraya and lady tusande as well. I'll try to work with what you got!" I came in for a fist bump, tenten blushed and fist bumped back. I stood up and bowed.

"nice meeting you all, I can't wait to train with you all," I waved them good bye.

I walked and tried to find myself a home to live in. I found a house that was not too small and not too big. I thought if was going to live here, and tell the Naruto about everything, I want him to live with me. Like a family. I made multiple shadow clones and moved my stuff into the home. I grabbed some of my parents stuff from lord third. Can't wait for tomorrow.

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