You're Wasting My Time

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First Person
I gasped and opened my eyes.

"No way! We're late for the meeting!" I sat up.
"Ahahahaha!" Naruto pointed at my head,"look at you hair!"

I twitched my eye
"says the one who always had weird spiky yellow hair!" Sakura was holding her laugh and saskue was smiling so hard at my comment.

Shit be careful Sakura because you might be next, I thought.

I walk to the bathroom and fixed my hair. I braided it and looked that there was one of my favorite flowers, a sunflower. I put it part of the braid. Hm, perfect.

"Wow y/n sensei that looks good on you."

"Oh thanks Naruto," wait Naruto? He was peeing for so long.

"HUHH?" I punched him in the shoulder,"what the hell Naruto!"

"I couldn't hold it in!" Eh, who could blame him,"yeah you got a point, sorry Naruto."

"Hey y/n sensei," Sakura appeared out of no where brushing her hair, and Sausage was just standing there to use the sink to wash his face.


"I got breakfast!" Kakashi opened the door.

I face palmed, you guys are such a weird team.

As we walked to the summit, we walked pass a ramen shop.
"Hey y/n you still owe me some ramen!" Naruto eye glowed
"Yeah, but it looks crowded right now," I looked at every seat. They were mostly women.

"Lord Yato, marry me!" One yelled.
"Yato!!" They all cheered. I smiled, what the hell yato.

Yato's POV
"No it doesn't!" A young boy outside yelled. He continued to yell at the young lady with crossed arms.
My eyes widen.
Y/n? I thought.
She was with three other kids and a guy. I'm sure he's just a friend, I watched as they walked away.

"Yato? What's wrong?" One of my biggest fan hugged me.

"Oh nothing," I continued to eat my food.

Wow, y/n sure has turned into a fine young lady.

First Person
"Hello madam, we are from the hidden leaf village. We came for Lord Yato's request as you know; a second part of the mystery of deaths are occurring. I, y/n Namikaze, brought some of the finest ninjas of the leaf." I bowed down.

"... here I bring Kakashi Hatake, Sakura Haruno, Sasuke Uchiha, and Naruto Uzumaki." They all bowed down.

"Splendid! But I'm sorry, Lord Yato isn't here right now, he's doing some important business." The lady spoke, something about her is just not right, or it's just me.
I twitched my eye.

"Oh really?" I was ready to punch something,"well sorry we've wasted your time, pass the message along would, please and thank you," I bowed.
I left without a word to my team. I was just so mad at that idiot Yato.

"Y/n sensei, you look really mad, what's wrong?" Sakura looked a little worried.

"Oh nothing Sakura," I sighed,"I guess today's a off day, enjoy it." I smiled weakly. Naruto ran off along with Sakura, Sasgay just walked off.

I walked away without even knowing I left kakashi behind. I sat on a bench and thought, how idiot of me to think Yato won't go overboard. I sighed again.

"Hey," I looked up. It was kakashi with two ice cream cones. I couldn't help by smile hugely. "What's wrong?" He asked as he sat next to me. I looked down the ground.

"Oh nothing really, it's just I was ready to do the mission y'know? But I should just enjoy this day off huh?" I laughed it off.

I turned to him, I noticed he finished his ice cream that fast. I heard someone giggling from the bench in front of us, it was two women blushing and looking at kakashi.

"Hm, you should really keep it easy y/n, relax." I ate my ice cream and thought of what to do, I looked at what kakashi was doing.

He-he's reading the second novel? IN PUBLIC!? I blushed and sweat dropped, damnit I haven't finished it.

"You're such a pervert y'know!" I mumbled.

"Yeah, says the one who reads the series also." He got a point though. "You know I love the part when he-"

"LALALA I CANT HEAR YOU LALALA IM NOT FINISHED WITH THE NOVEL" I covered my ears, there's no point in closing my eyes since he has a mask on. I walked off with my hands still covering my ears.

I walked I felt something hard that hit the back of my head.
I turned around, I looked down the ground,
"Damn you Kakashi Hatake!" It was his copy of the second novel. I picked it up.

"There, now you have something to do to relax," Kakashi was now behind me.

Without saying a word I walked the other direction and continued where I left off.

"Hey! Wait up!"

I didn't stopped, I was so hooked on it. You did it again Pervy gramps! A few chapters later I finally finished. I looked up at the sky and saw the sun setting.

I leaned on the bridge and watched the beautiful cherry blossoms fall to the ground. I watched as Naruto and saskue were training and Sakura just picking flowers. They looked so adorable!

"So how was it?" Kakashi spoked.

"It was..." I disappointedly said, "AMAZING! Pevry gramps has done it again!" I excitedly said.

He chuckled, "damn straight."
"The part when they..." I mentioned
"The part when she..." He told, we talked every part and had some theories for the cliff hanger at the end. Why are we like this?

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