Goodbye Rin

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Morning arrived, you felt better. You and Your squad got to Konoha quickly and safely.
I walked behind everyone from my squad. A few seconds in, I heard two girls, from back the academy, talk.

"Did you hear?" The girl with the dirty blonde hair asked.

"About Kakashi? The friend killer? Hmph Yes I have."

I soon teleported in front of them. I took off my mask, "why the hell did you say?"

"Uh sorry ladies, carry on." Caption held me back.
I was about to fight those hoes.

"They can't diss Kakashi like that, friend killer! What do they mean?"

"I don't know y/n, why don't you ask him. He's right there." He point at Kakashi. He looked depressed. I've never seen him that this.

Where-where's Rin! Don't tell me something bad to her!? I ran up to Kakashi.

"Kakashi what the hell happened!?" I looked at him with fearful eyes. He pushed me to the side.

Did he just did that!? Oh hell no!

"You know what!? Fuck you! Fuck you and this friendship we have! I thought I was smart enough to forgive you but I guess not! Since you're pushing me away!" Kakashi just ignored me.

I can't take this anymore! I then ran up to him with my fist ready, but my dad then came. He has a Hokage cloak.
Kakashi turned around.

"Stop this immediately!" I looked at dad. Then at Kakashi.

"Psh, whatever," I ran away knowing everyone was looking at me. Shit I didn't care if I get judged. I ran up to the hokage's faces. Just to clear my mind and to calm down.

"Y/n..." I didn't paid attention, I was still annoyed.

"You see y/n," father sat beside me, "while you were gone lots of things had happened, and kakashi's mission was one of the things and it sure did effect a lot people... even me."

I then clutched my knees and put my head on them.

"Asking Kakashi what happened isn't a good idea right now, he is deeply depressed and feels like there's no one to turn too." I looked at dad.

"Rin passed away..."

My heart hurts.
"You Maybe be asking how? Kakashi killed her, but he says she got in the way." Tears came running down.

"So suicide?" I sobbed.

"Yes, but no one believes the poor kid y/n. Be easy on him okay?" He gave me a hug then left.

After the talk, I immediately got the most prettiest flowers I found and brought to Rin's Grave.

"Not you too!" I said quietly. I then heard raddles through the trees.

"Oh uh-" I looked back over my shoulder.

"I'm sorry Kakashi, I wasn't acting straight, everything I said back was bullshit. I knew the news was bad, and I didn't know how to react yet. So that was reckless of me." I gave Kakashi a hug.

"I'm sorry too y/n, for pushing you away!" Kakashi hugged back. He then started to cry.

"I believe it's not your fault Kakashi, Rin might've don't it for a reason. Knowing her she might've done it to protect this village!" I said with out a doubt.
We then went and talking over some sweets, I mean only I ate some sweets.

He told me where it happened and how it happened. He told me everything.

"Well it's possible she might've gotten kidnapped and had the three tails sealed inside of her? Maybe that's why she went in and did that." I wasn't one hundred percent sure.

"Yeah even if it were true, I still broke obito's promise!" He left madly but I kept my cool.

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