Winning for Ramen

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First Person
I walked where the entrance of the village is and saw Naruto, Sakura, Saskue, but no sign of Kakashi. We waited for a while but still hasn't came, what a jerk.
We decided to leave him behind, he could catch up. As we jumped tree to tree we notice wassome was there.

"Yo," he spoke.
I fell off the branch and fell to the ground.

"What!?" I got up with Naruto's help. I lead the group: saskue was on the left of me and Naruto was in the right. Sakura and Kakashi were behind.

Kakashi's POV
I couldn't help but notice y/n's butt while we ran through the forest. It was a really nice size and shape for a young lady like her. I couldn't help, but blush. I could sense that Sakura was looking at me.
Oh how much guilt I have.

First Person
"Hey Kakashi sensei why are you blu-"

"hey y/n sensei! We've been running for along time now! How much further!" Naruto complained.
"You know, for a knuckle head ninja, you sure give up easily." I stopped. Saskue smirked.

"yeah she's right Naruto, you'll never top me!" I turned to Sasgay.

"And you! You're too cocky, you're not better than anyone else in the team," they looked annoyed.

"... I never said I'll give up y/n sensei, I want to become hokage y'know! Quitting and giving up is not an option, that's my ninja way." I almost teared up. Sasgay stayed silent. I chuckled.

"I was going to say that I'm better than the both of you combine, but also I didn't say that I didn't believe in you Naruto, the both of you are strong in your own ways." Naruto started to laugh, so did I. Sasuke chuckled a little. I patted both of their heads. I haven't laughed this much since my parents were alive.

Kakashi POV
They forgotten about us! They ran pretty fast but I couldn't let Sakura behind so I stayed behind for her.

As we caught up to them, they were all laughing, Sakura caught up with them joining the laughter.
Team 7 needed this.
Needed her. She's the light of the teams darkness. Also I've never heard y/n laugh this much,
"hehe" i chuckled lightly.

First Person
"Hahaha-" I stopped laughing. I could sense three types of chakra coming our way. I got serious.
"say Naruto, why don't we race to the village we're not to far from now." He agreed.

"Okay if you get there first, I pay every ramen bowl you eat-"


"Not so fast! If I win YOU will have to pay that bowls that I eat!"
Naruto nodded, "I'm not losing to you y/n sensei!" I smirked
"well see about that." Naruto began to run. Hmph.
"you guys try to catch up okay?" They all nodded.

Naruto was fast but not fast like me. I was beside Naruto and eventually passed him.

"Hey!" He yelled. I heard kunais being thrown to Naruto. I got to the next tree and push myself to where Naruto was.

I grabbed him and rolled to the ground.
"Hey what's the big idea!" He madly yelled.

I kept Naruto behind me. Kakashi and the rest of the team came.

"Say Kakashi, we've got ourselves some visitors," I smirked. He smirked through his mask.

A/N: Damn straight

A/N: Damn straight

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