Real friends

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"Kam you still act? You were so good, our baby Angela Bassett" Mijo said making me laugh.

"No, I mean I still love acting, I just don't do it any more." He raised a playful brow.

"Oh word? What you doing now?" He asked placing the piece of baby back ribs to his mouth and biting down on it.

"I- Actually" remembering what Chris had said about skipping the truth I decided to listen for once. "I dance." Was the first thing that came to mind, again he rose a brow.

"Kamaiyah King. You're a stripper?!" He blurted out catching me off guard.

"No fool, I dance, like I'm a dancer. I just quit the gig I had though so you can just call me unemployed." I told him, lying with ease. "But who knows I might get back into acting." He nodded taking more food from his plate.

When mijo said he wanted to meet and catch up, he was dead serious because that's exactly what we'd been doing most of the day, talking and catching up.

"What about you though? I heard you was in a group." I said smiling which only caused a smile to draw onto his face.

"Yeah, a lil sum sum" "oh just a lil sum sum?" I joked nudging him, you could tell he was excited, I was for him.

"Our single bout to drop soon, I'm amped." He said with the most nonchalance.

"Well I'm really proud of you. I know you guys must be dope if mr perfectionist is fucking with you." He laughed making me do the same.

'I'm so happy you here Kaye. It got to a point I thought I'd never see you again." My eyes looked back down at the food in front of me and I found myself not wanting to be there anymore. I knew he hadn't let the whole thing with what really made me leave go... And I knew it was coming up.

"... Why did you go Kaye. I know it wasn't school, you got good grades." He summed up, I should've known he was just pretending to buy it till he got me alone. I don't like lying to M- scratch that I couldn't lie to him, even IF I tried.

"Mijo please, I don't want to talk about it right now." I felt water in my eyes and blinked them away. He sighed and took the half eaten plate off my lap, set it on the counter top in the kitchen and came back, crashing down next to me.

"Just tell me Kaye, aint nobody here but us. You know I aint gone tell nobody." He was right, I knew for a fact he wouldn't tell anybody, but that doesn't mean I wanted him to know either. He stared down at me and I felt myself being pulled into his trap, at that moment I knew he got me.

"Augh I hate that you always do this M!" I made him chuckle but I didn't find anything funny. At all.

"Do what?!" "Get the truth out of me when I want to lie!" A small laugh came from his mouth then he looked back down to me making me sigh in response.

"...I was pregnant." I forced it out and sat there waiting for his reaction. "By that nigga you was fuckin with?" his voice was deep and I could tell he was disappointed.

"No. I never slept with him, I told you." I had told him, countless times that I didn't sleep with Q but even now 10 years later he didn't believe it.

"Then who?" Again tears came to my eyes, daring to fall but I couldn't let them. Nope. I don't do that crying shit.

"M, please." He stared me down with anger in his eyes. He knew.

"Just say it so I can kick that niggas ass." I swallowed hard before uttering "Chris." Mijo's eyes darkened on impact and he scrunched his face up.

"Ah hell nah! You was smashing Chris?! What the fuck yo." He shouted in upset and disbelief.

"It only happened a few times and we were protected I swear, I ju- I don't know what happened." He shook his head furiously shaking his leg then stood up.

"Where are you going?!" I stood up after him grabbing onto his arm.

"To find that nigga kaye! you left and he couldn't even tell me none of this, I thought ya'll was my best friends." He was pissed and it had me shook.

"He doesn't know." It was low but he heard it, he turned to look at me same expression written on his face.

"You left without telling him?" I nodded, but it was a lie. Chris had full knowledge that I was leaving, just didn't know I was knocked up at the time, I just couldn't tell mijo that because that would only cause him to question me further.

"How could you do that Kamaiyah, that's his child too." Turning to go back to the couch he followed and fell into the couch with me. "You wouldn't understand..." i shook my head playing with my hands. "Make me understand." I didn't know where to start. If it was just about me getting pregnant, i would have stayed, but it was so much more.

"At the time Chris was all about his music, I didn't want to drop a baby on him M, we were 16, i couldn't do it. So i thought it would be better if i just left, and clearly i was right because look at him now." Trailing off mijo was at a loss for words, he didn't want to ask anything else but he just couldn't bite his tongue – like i said, i knew this nigga.

"So what you got an abortion?" i wish. I thought. That would have saved me so much heartache and pain. I wish i'd gotten an abortion but no, i couldn't kill my baby. I shook my head, blinking furiously to get these stupid tears to go back to where they came from.

"I carried her, for 6 months, the whole nine yards, i was in my last trimester then i got really sick, they had to perform an emergency C-section. she was so little..." I put my head in my hands and felt him place his hands on my back.

"She was so little, but she looked so much like Chris. It was so crazy, she was beautiful... she didn't make it, she died 3 weeks later." I looked up at him and his eyes were shut tight.

"I'm so sorry kaye. And I know you don't do all that crying, but when you're ready to let it out i'm here for you." I fell into his chest and he hugged me tight.

"Please just don't say anything to Chris M." I whispered and he nodded. "Fine i won't say nothing, but you have to. You can't keep something like that." I nodded against him then pulled away to reach for my phone.

"Hello?" i heard alot of noise in his background, then eventually his deep voice sent airwaves through the phone.

"Yeah, what's up, where are you?" he asked.

"I'm with Mijo, we just been catching up, why?"

"Nothing you just sound sad that's all. You sure you aight?" fuck this nigga and always being able to sense shit, it bugged my soul.

"Yeah Chris i'm good." I scratched my forehead and waited for him to speak again.

"When you leave mijo spot call me so we can hang. I'm leaving for the press tour in 2 days and its pretty much the only time i can see you before i go..." he asked more than instructed and i pondered before letting out a short.

"okay." Before we both said our bye's and disconnected.

"What he say?" Mijo inquired. "Nothing, told me to hit him up when i leave here so we can hang, something about leaving for tour in a few days." I shrugged and he watched me funny. "Ya'll aint... are you?" "Oh no! That nigga got a girlfriend, we just cool. I think he tryna rebuild our friendship. And i can't hate him for that." He nodded then smiled.

"Well im glad you came today, it was good to talk. I stood up pulling on my jacket and turned crashing into him.

"Thank you M, for always being my friend...And i told you we gone have a lot more time together, text me next time you're in the studio i'll drop by." He smiled and said a quick iight before i got my stuff and left.

"Hey, yeah i left mijo's, should i just wait for you at the apartment ?" i asked putting the car in gear.

"Naw, come by my place, ain't nobody here anyway. I'll text you the address." I questioned his motives then, did he want to get me alone orrr? Regardless I put my suspicions aside and followed the navigation system to his crib.

This should be interesting.

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