Check Yourself

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I woke up; late

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I woke up; late. I needed to be at this meeting in literally 25 minutes and I knew i'd never make it.

"Augh! Where the fuck are my keys!" I shouted at myself, roughly running my hand through my hair. If i didn't locate these car keys in the next 30 seconds I could count on this meeting to be cancelled; I couldn't miss it.

The last time I remember seeing it was- "augh." I bent down looking under the couch where it must have slipped after I chucked it at Chris just hours before. "great."
"I am so sorry, I couldn't find my keys." I said apologetically.

"It's fine, I just got here my self." She said with a small smile then put her hand out to me, I took it then sat back.

"So I invited you here because, I heard you're not under any agency right now – I was hoping I could step forward and take up that role." She said boldly, crossing her legs and sitting up, my brows furrowed.

"Well, you know I'm not a model? Who told you I needed an agent?" I asked, which may've come out rude but she didn't flinch.

"I know people." She shrugged slightly then smiled again.

"Look ness- "

"Neesha." She cut me off correcting me. Oh alright.

"...Neesha. i'm not interested in modelling as of yet, for now i'm getting into acting, I got the empire role by chance; im just feeling it out before I start getting agents involved. I'm sorry if i've wasted your time." I let her down easy, she just nodded in response.

"Well that's unfortunate, but it was nice meeting you. Here's my card in case you ever change your mind." I took it from her small hands then smiled slightly.

"Thanks, it was nice meeting you too." She nodded picking up her prada handbag along with her coffee and leaving; I watched her walk out for what seemed like ever till my phone started vibrating over the table.

"Hello?" I answered; I smiled before he even spoke. "Hey Kaye what you doing?" I looked around the coffee house momentarily then sighed.

"Nothing, why?" I really hope he didn't want to bring me around that bastard friend of his.

"Ummmm come meet me at the studio I want to introduce you to somebody" he sounded happy and it made me happy so I thought, why not.

"Is Chris going to be there?" I scolded and he chuckled.

"Ya'll make me so fucking mad when you fight, got me feeling like a child from a broken home. No he ain't here now bring yo ass on." I laughed out loud and he did too.

"Alright I guess. Send me the address and i'll be there." He answered with a short "iight" then cut off the call.

Chris POV

"Mijo why didn't you just tell me this was your girlfriend?!" Kam said speaking to Mijo and Neesha. I walked up closer to them cutting off whatever Mijo was about to say.

"Yooo?" mijo let out confused as fuck when I walked into the studio, I clenched my jaw letting him know off bat that 1. I wasn't in the mood and 2. I wasn't in the fucking mood. I turned to Kam who immediately rolled her eyes and looked away whilst mijo's girl neesha sat looking awkward.

"Kam, can I talk to you for a second?" I asked putting my pride aside and being polite as possible, I know she better not act stiff because i'm already one more swerve from snatching her ass up. She looked at mijo to save her and I looked at him to mind his own.

"Come on baby, uhh. Lets go." He stood up taking his girls hand in his and lead her out.

"Where are you going?" I said stepping in front of Kamaiyah as she tried to walk out too.

She smacked her gums then sat her hand on her hips.

"What do you want chris?" she asked dryly.

"Because I was done talking to you last night." I clinched my jaw looking down at her.

"What the fuck did you give me Kam?" I asked and she frowned in confusion.

"huh?" her brow rose as she looked at me side ways. She knew what the fuck i was talking about.

"Don't fucking act. What the fuck you got that you gave to me?!" she sucked her teeth again and waved me off trying to move past me.

"You're crazy. I'm o-" I cut her off yanking her back towards me. Her eyes were filled with fear and her breathing staggered as she looked up at me.

"I'm going to ask you again. What. The fuck. Did you give me?" she looked into my eyes hardly blinking, then snatched away from me.

"What the fuck are you talking about Chris?!" she asked as if she didn't already know.

"My dick fucking stings every time I use the bathroom. I got this fucking ache in my testicles. I know I got something from you. Let me find out." I spoke angrily pointing in her face. She almost looked ready to cry after I finished speaking, but instead she laughed lightly.

"Why the fuck is you laughing?" she put her hand up still laughing.

"You got the clap? Hahahaha!" she laughed making my face scrunch up in frustration.

"Nigga I get tested every 3 months and my last check up was 3 days ago. We had sex almost 2 weeks ago .... so I suggest you go talk to your little girlfriend and or every other bitch you fucked in the last week and whilst you're at it lose my fucking number you cunt." She spoke harshly walking to the door without any block from me. I was completely in utter shock and disbelief.

"Where are you going?" I asked dryly.

"Out. My hoe ass has a date. Bye"

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