Something New

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Kamaiyah POV

Leaving the studio I was flushed with different emotions. I wanted to honestly turn back and go fuck Chris up – I mean, I maybe a lot of things, but i'm not stupid, or skatty. For him to think i'd be loose enough to even allow myself to catch anything and not know about it was an insult; and honestly proved to me that not only was he not shit; but that the respect level he had for me was lower than I thought.

"Kaye! Where are you going? What happened?" Mijo asked jogging up to me as I threw myself into the range. – I honestly needed to give Chris back his car.

"I'm out of here M, I know you wanted to chill but i'm not even in the mood any more. I'll call you later alright?" he looked down into my eyes, I knew he wanted to say something, but just like most times he kept it to himself and just nodded.

"Alright ma, be safe." Was all he said before hitting the hood of the car and turned to walk back inside.

When I told Chris I had a date – it wasn't the complete truth. I didn't have a date, because I turned it down. At the time I did so, the only thing in my mind was staying loyal as a friend, I wanted to maintain a certain boundary of respect, but since that shit didn't go both ways, trust and believe I was going. I pulled my phone from my bag and pressed down on the last unsaved number before putting it to my ear. It rang out for a minute and to be honest I was happy it did, I was nervous for him to answer.

"You changed your mind beautiful?" is the first thing he said into the phone when he answered, making me chuckle at his cockiness.

"Actually, I did. I had plans but I decided to cancel so..." I drifted off; all of a sudden I started feeling bad again, but the feeling of seeking revenge was even stronger.

"Alright well where you at right now?" he inquired and I looked out of my window.

"I just passed the grove." I told him and waited for him to speak again.

"Come meet me i'm at the studio, then we can go get something to eat. That's cool with you?" He spoke with ease and I nodded although he couldn't see me; obviously.

"Yeah it sounds fine, send me the address." I told him stopping at a red light.

"I just sent it, i'll see you when you get here then." He said and I replied with a short

"okay, bye." Then hung up.
"So what does the B stand for?" I asked looking up at his face. – We were in the studio just chilling and talking, nothing major, he had some voice overs to shoot, I liked that.

"Bukari. Stop acting like you ain't know" he said nudging me a little, which again had me giggling, everything he said made me giggle.

"I didn't." I confessed honestly and he raised a brow at me.

"You the first girl to ask me that, most girls I meet already know everything about me before I even get one on one time with em." He said watching me as I played with a piece of string from my ripped jeans.

"Well i'm not most girls you meet then, am I?" I replied and he was the one to laugh this time.

"You funny. You pretty too." He complimented and I blushed. I don't why I was allowing myself to be so open to him; I thought i'd built a wall up. I just couldn't believe he was so interested in me. He is at the height of his career right now, he could have any girl. But he liked me.

"Thank you." I said back still smiling uncontrollably.

"Look at you blushing!" he laughed loudly and I rolled my eyes hitting his chest.

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