USS Typhoon

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Wiv never thought she'd be anywhere else but her home world Kronos, still living as the male she was born as: Nu'daq, son of Kor. But it all went different after an act of kindness from someone who served in Starfleet. He had helped her realize she should do what she wanted, which lead to her 'dishonor'.

She had always felt female rather than male, which is why she underwent gender-changing operations and hormone treatments for 3 years before she enlisted in Starfleet Academy for a Security job under her new name Wiv, meaning freedom in the Klingon language.

She stood in the transporter room, awaiting the Captain and his First Officer.

"Materializing, now." Chief Engineer Nina Scott said as she worked the controls.

The transporter activated and two faint male figures were to be seen before the full materialization.

It was clear who was who, since one wore red and the other blue.

The one in red was the Captain, he was a tall male with a pale skin, dark mysterious eyes, sleek black hair, pointy ears and eyebrows that slanted upwards. It was clear he was at least part Vulcan, he was far too stern for a Romulan.

The other was Human, but he had square-formed ridges on his neck. Not overly visible, but they were there. He was also very tall, with a fair skin, blonde curly hair and sky blue eyes.

It was the Captain who spoke first: "You are Commander Wiv I presume, I am Captain Christian Kirk and my First Officer is Commander David Marcus."

"Captain, Commander, the crew is waiting for you." she said, as was customary.

The black haired male nodded. "Lead us the way."

The woman nodded back and walked elegantly through the doors and hallway to the turbo lifts to take them to the bridge.

Security guards were standing on the side lines, their eyes lingering on the Captain.

The Klingon could understand why they did, a Captain who was part-Vulcan was an intimidating sight.

They took the turbo lift to the bridge, where the other senior officers were waiting for them.

"Captain on the bridge!" the young Navigator said, alerting the Yeomen and Crewmen.

"Status report." the Captain demanded.

The Cardassian helmswoman looked on her screen. "All clamps ready to release us."

"Retract them, then go to warp 8. Coordinates of destination are 995-381 Mark 4." the part-Vulcan had a magnificent commanding voice, one even the Klingon Emperor wouldn't dare to go against.

Just then, Wiv saw the square formed ridges on her Captain's neck, the same ones that she saw on Commander Marcus. 'Must belong to the same species, then.'

"All clamps released, warp engines engaged. Ready for your command." the helmswoman informed them.

The Captain sat down on the center seat beside the counselor and his First Officer. "Engage."

The Cardassian placed her hand on the handle on her left and pushed it gently.

The entire ship hummed as it went to warp, ready for its first mission.


All senior officers had gathered in briefing room 2 on Captain's orders.

"Our first mission is to a Human science colony near the borders of the Delphic Expanse. We will not enter it, since we have a couple of Vulcans on this ship who have not withstood the Trellium-D test. Any colonists shuttle that went into the Delphic Expanse will be retrieved by the USS Berlin, who will arrive 3.726 hours before we do." Christian said, looking between his officers. "There has not been any contact for 50 years since this area of space is not often patrolled. Our mission is to find out what happened to them."

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