Will of Kronos

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As Illnoira had calculated, they entered orbit of the Klingon home world a month after the transmission had been received.

"We're receiving a hail from the surface, it's Chancellor K'mpec of the Klingon High Council." Lieutenant Suraya told.

"Put it on the view screen." the Captain ordered.

And on screen appeared the rather fat Klingon, a goblet of bloodwine in his hands.

"Chancellor K'mpec." the part-Vulcan greeted.

"Captain Christian Kirk, it's an honor to receive you. What is your business here?" the man asked, quite politely for a Klingon.

"I received a message from Dahar Master Kor a month ago, telling us that he wished to see his child." the Captain replied.

"I've received the same message. But I thought he had two sons, not one son and one daughter. Could you explain me why?"

"That's because I've become female." Wiv spoke up.

"Are you formerly Nu'Daq, from the house of Kor?" the Chancellor asked.

"Yes." the female replied.

"What name do you carry now?" the fat man asked.

"I am now named Wiv."

Stern eyes were focused on her. "Very well. That's quite a change in documents."

"Why has my father called me home?" the Klingon woman asked.

"Your brother, Rynar, was injected with a genetic virus that killed him and two of his comrades. We know it was the Albino."


Together, Chris and Wiv beamed down to the grounds that belonged to the woman's family.

"It is quite a property." the half-Hatorian commented as he saw the house and the land surrounding it.

"The House of Kor is one of the Great Houses of Qo'noS. Like the House of Surak is on Vulcan and the Karii-clans on Aurora-Penthe Seven." the Klingon woman told as they started walking to the front doors.

The Starfleet Captain's lips twitched upwards for a second. "I see you have done your homework on my ancestry."

The Security Chief grinned. "I mated with you. I'm obliged to know in what sort of bloodline I'm marrying. Turns out you're practically royalty."

"I am from a long line of strong politicians and Ambassadors. We are influenceful, yes. But we do not rule over the people."

Wiv smiled and opened up the front door. "Hello?"

"Nu'Daq..." a faded voice said.

"Living room." the security officer told.

And as she had said, the elder Klingon male sat in an ancient chair in the living room.

"Father, you called for me?" the woman asked.

Faded eyes glazed over her. "I shouldn't've thrown that goblet at you... was wrong of me."

Wiv sighed. "He's drunk, again."

"I can sober him up." the half-Hatorian told and walked towards the Klingon man, his right hand slipping on the meld points.

Dark eyes came alive again. "Nu'Daq, is that you?" and the man rose from his seat.

The transgender Klingon nodded. "Yeah, it's me."

"You're a beautiful female." Kor commented. "You'd attract many suitors."

The woman grew uncomfortable. "Yeah... about that..."

Chris saved her from speaking by taking her right hand with his left. "Master Kor, I regret telling you this, but I have already mated with your daughter."

The elderly man's eyes went wide, before narrowing to slits. "And who are you?"

"I am Captain Christian James Sarek Kirk, son of Admiral James Kirk and Ambassador Spock of Vulcan." the part-Vulcan replied.

"I remember those two... Kirk was honorable, and that Vulcan resisted the mind shifter. They were a strong command team. Are you much like your parents?"

"Yes. And if you wish, I shall prove it."

Kor laughed. "Oh, I'm sure you will. I'll be monitoring all your actions!"

"That is reassuring." Chris said, raising an eyebrow.

"And they say Vulcans have no humor."


Spock rose an eyebrow at his son on the monitor. "You mated with a Klingon? That is something quite unusual. I am interested how such a child would develop."

"Always the scientist, aren't you Father?" Chris laughed, something he mostly refrained from while in public.

"My scientific curiosity lies in multiple fields. But a Vulcan-Klingon hybrid... it would be special." the Starfleet Captain replied.

"I take it Dad is still at HQ?"

The Vulcan nodded. "I will tell him the news of your second mating as soon as he gets home. I believe that your new wife mostly appreciates the warrior in you. From which Klingon House is she?"

"Wiv is of the House of Kor, a Great House, to ad."

"Klingon noble blood. I am sure she is quite satisfied with the fact that she mated to the firstborn son of the House of Surak and the second born son to an Hatorian Karii-clan."

"Believe me, she is. You should have seen her father's reaction when we told him."


Ro Tishito walked through the hallways of the Federation ship Typhoon. She'd started exploring the entire ship after her talk to the empathic Counselor, who'd helped her ease her fears.

As she passed by the children section, she saw a Cardassian girl with curly black hair and strangely pointed ears. Her skin tone was far lighter than that of a normal Cardassian and she did not look like a spoon head, her ridges were far less prominent. She was painting something quite extraordinary and outlandish. It was a desert landscape, but the rock formations were tall and full of ridges. Nothing like that could be seen on Bajor, since there were no rocks at all.

Near her was a small Cardassian boy, quite possibly the brother since his skin tone, ears and ridges looked like that of his sister. He was building a structure with blocks, constantly searching for the right piece.

"They're lovely, aren't they?" a woman's voice behind them asked.

Tishito spun around to find a Cardassian woman in a red Starfleet uniform. Her hair was long and braided in at least 5 braids. Her face was far more kind than the face of any Cardassian she'd met before.

"Are they yours?"

The officer nodded. "Yes, their names are Ammarine and Zophar. My husband had wished for another name, but those would've given away too much of their other ancestry. In case something goes wrong and I'll be sent back to Cardassia."

"Why?" the Bajoran asked, quite shocked that such a thing could happen.

"If my husband breaks a rule regarding the Second Written Alliance, he has to be punished accordingly. Losing your family is one of the consequences. It's not that I fear that my husband does something against the rules, but he's got the Hatorian capability to be reckless once in a while." the other woman replied. "Their ears and lighter skin are the only traces of being not pure Cardassian."

"I had no idea there were Cardassians so far outside Cardassia, those who don't even know what's going on."

"The most live on Aurora-Penthe Seven, the home world of my husband's carrier. I choose to be closer to my husband, to serve with him in Starfleet."

"You do seem quite proud."

"And I am."



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