Bajoran Independence

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Years had gone by since Christian had been to Bajor. Once he'd returned home, he had been promoted to Vice Admiral while his son S'Talagus, now having named himself James, went on his third commission as Captain. The half-Hatorian married his former security officer as soon as the marriage had been approved by the Admiralty.

Wiv became his First Wife, the one carrying the responsibility to bear strong warrior children for the Hatorian home world. Illnoira became his Second, being trusted with family finances.

The Cardassian female soon birthed her third child, an Aharii. This son was named Helio Navarro Kirk, the last and only warrior child she would bear.

The Klingon transgender woman bore him a daughter named Thalassa Mara in the midsummer of 2333 and a son named Sevinnin Christian Spock in the late winter of 2337.

Three years later, in 2340, Vice Admiral Christian Kirk married his Third Wife Meressa Alenis. She would accompany him on his business travels. In 2343, their first child was born: a son they named Soval James. Just like his 2 years younger sister T'Luna T'Pau, he was born on Vulcan in Shi'Kahr's most prominent hospital. Their youngest child, a son born in 2346, was named Sayal Sarek.

The news of their births reached Bajor faster than anticipated, as they were the children of the One. They were a new hope, a new thread to hold onto, giving them new inspiration to keep fighting even in bad times.

Bajor was declared independent in 2369, 6 years after the death of Illnoira. The Cardassian woman died of an illness that caused her body to age more rapidly.


"It's... strange, to be here again." Alenis said as she looked out of the window. She was the only wife who'd come with him to visit the planet again.

"It has been thirty-seven point four two years since we were last here. I can feel your anticipation." the newly appointed Fleet Admiral said.

The Bajoran looked at him. "I haven't seen my family in such a long time. I wonder what has become of them. Especially my sister. She was on Terok Nor as a comfort woman."

"You know you are allowed to visit her, even as I speak with Kai Opaka." the part Vulcan told. "You are not necessarily needed by my side."

"I do wish you with me, you are my husband." the blonde said. She no longer wore the traditional Bajoran earring on her right ear, she'd discarded it after her marriage. Her monk clothing had changed to traditional wear for a married Vulcan woman, covering up but still revealing the curves of her body in a simple and graceful manner.

"If that is your wish, I will comply."


Meressa Meru stared at her sister. Well, actually more at the tall and dark colored man by her side whom she'd introduced as her husband.

"Uh, I don't know if we're welcome, but I'd like to see all of you again." Alenis said.

"... sure. Come in." the brunette was slightly stunned as she let the two in her home.

The family was sitting on the table, including her husband Ugu Immon, their two teenage daughters Jaishaza and Sagila, their paternal aunt Kuba, their mother Erdoye and their father Rhobr.

"Alenis!" their mother said as she saw her other daughter. She stood up, embracing her.

"Mom, it's good to see you again." the former monk said as the two of them parted.

Erdoye still looked worried. "I haven't heard of you for thirty-seven years! Kai Opaka told us you went with aliens, leaving the planet."

"I went with our savior, originally do document his life." the younger blonde said, pointing at the tall man by her side. "But then I found out that I was meant for something else. I... was attracted to a man of another culture, I wished something more than just a work relationship." as she spoke, she touched her husband's clothed arm and looked up at him with love in her eyes.

Meru looked at the man, whose face was blank. But his light brown eyes gave away the emotion he felt for his wife.

Still, their mother wasn't convinced. "Please Alenis, the Occupation is over. We'll need everyone back who has survived. I'm pretty sure you can find a nice male Bajoran."

"Mother..." the brunette sister hissed, but Alenis's alien husband stepped forward.

"Madam, I am quite sure your daughter can make such a decision on her own. She will not be persuaded to do something she does not wish." his voice was strong and stable, like a fearless soldier in the heat of battle.

Their father rose from his seat, confronting the alien male. "You're not ordering my wife around! That's my place, as well as ordering my daughter to come back home." and he reached for his daughter's arm.

But the male grabbed Rhobr's wrist as he did, twisting him around and holding it to his back. Then, he shoved the smaller man back to the table. "No one will order anyone around. Alenis choose to live her life with me, and if you cannot accept her choice, do not say anything at all."

Alenis's husband turned around, gently took his wife's hand and lead her out of the door.


Somehow, Meru knew they were at the Vedek Assembly. It was only in that moment that she saw that her sister no longer wore her Bajoran earring. It had been replaced with a pair far more elegant and outlandish.

Alenis slightly turned her head, seeing her sister behind her. She smiled slightly before turning her head back, intertwining her right arm with the left one of her husband.

The younger sister smiled at the sight, at least her sister was happy with her husband, which is all that counted.



Note: next few chapters are staged aboard DS9.

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