Marriage of Two Cultures

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"Did you ever expect this?" Kathryn asked as she finished pulling on the traditional Vulcan attire. The dress was red and it's lines golden.

"A Klingon and a Vulcan is a most illogical and strange combination." the dark skinned man replied. "But not impossible."

The Captain laid her left hand on her husband's arm and her right hand on her swollen stomach. "Let's go. We don't want to be late."


The entire crew had assembled on holodeck 2 where the simulation of a Vulcan temple was running.

Kathryn and Tuvok stood in the front with Vorik.

"Tuvok, what exactly do I have to do in the ceremony?" the woman asked.

"I will direct you during the ceremony, do not worry." Tuvok replied.

"You know, the only Vulcan ceremony I have witnessed was your daughter's Kolinahr ceremony. I'm pretty sure a marriage ceremony means something different."

"It is different. But I am confident that you will perform amiably."

Chakotay was shaking his head, a fond look on his face. "Never thought I'd see the day that B'Elanna got married."

"Guess none of us did." Harry said, smiling widely. "Anyway, who's escorting B'Elanna?"

"T'Luna took that duty upon her shoulders. It is customary for a female friend or family member to escort the bride to the wedding grounds."

The Ops officer just frowned.

Once again, the holodeck doors opened up to reveal B'Elanna in a Vulcan style wedding dress, flanked by T'Luna carrying the traditional Hatorian weapon.

The Ambassador was smiling. "She looks appropriate."

"She does." her Vulcan husband agreed.

T'Risa was gleaming. "I can't wait to pick out baby names."

Tom stared at the security ensign with a disbelieving expression. "You're already thinking about that?"

"Why not? A ship filled with children is one big joy."

The helmsman shook his head. "You're absolutely crazy."

The half-Klingon came up the stairs, walking over to Vorik.

Then, Kathryn began speaking the words she could still remember from her own wedding to Tuvok. "What you are about to witness comes down from the time of the beginning without change. This is the Vulcan heart, this is the Vulcan soul, this is our way."

The tan skinned Vulcan extended two fingers, the woman he was marrying did the same.

Tuvok did the melding part of the ceremony, since Janeway couldn't.


The reception afterwards was a more personal affair.

The mess hall had been decorated by Neelix and Naomi to symbolize a human style reception. Which meant bouquets of flowers on the table, a list of 20th and 21st century music bouncing off the walls, nicely made tables and porcelain plates.

"Neelix, you outdid yourself." Janeway commented.

"Thank you Captain. Though I don't know what I would've done without Naomi. By the way, you are very nicely dressed." the Talaxian said. "Vulcan ware looks good on you."

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