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Fleet Admiral Christian Kirk was reviewing the latest reports about the Dominion attacks on Deep Space Nine when his secretary, an Andorian woman named Tari, entered his room in a hurry.

"Admiral, we have an incoming transmission from one of our lost ships!" she reported.

"Which ship is it?" the half-Hatorian asked as he laid down the PADD.

"It's the USS Voyager."

The quarter Vulcan looked up. "Put it through immediately, make it a Priority One."

The young girl nodded and went back to her desk in the hallway.

It didn't take long for the transmission to appear on his desk monitor.

"Captain Janeway, I'm glad to see you. I hope you are well."

The brunette woman smiled. "I'm glad we could establish contact with home."

"We have not heard of you for years, where are you?"

Janeway looked down. "I'm not sure you're gonna believe me."

"Convince me." and the Admiral sat back in his armchair.

"Well, when we were traveling through the Badlands to find the Val Jean, we were caught in a plasma storm. We somehow ended up 70.000 lightyears away from the Alpha Quadrant. Admiral, we were stranded in the Delta Quadrant."

Christian blinked. "That... is indeed not a story I would believe. But of course it is the only explanation for your sudden disappearance. I assume the members of that Maquis ship are with you?"

"They're part of the crew now." Kathryn replied. "It was a rocky start, but we're getting along."

The man nodded. "As soon as you can get to it, I wish to be sent your reports."

The brunette nodded. "Of course Admiral. By the way, Lieutenant Kirk has been a true asset to our crew. She is worthy of Command."

"I did not expect less of my daughter, she has always been fierce. Are there more things I should know?"

The female Captain looked to her side. "Uh... actually, Tuvok and I are in a romantic relationship. Have been since we were stranded out here. We also have a two-year-old daughter, her name is T'Aimnu."

"Do you want me to inform your families?" the half-Hatorian raised his left eyebrow.

"That would be the best. I will also send you the list of the officers that have died and those that are our new additions."

The Admiral nodded again. "Yes, thank you Captain Janeway." And he raised his hand in the ta'al. "Live long and prosper."

The woman returned the greeting. "Peace and long life, Admiral. Janeway out." And the transmission was disconnected.

Christian then began writing a message to both Kathryn's and Tuvok's families, informing them they were expected at Starfleet HQ, San Francisco in five days at 1400 hours at his office.


Those five days later, the family members were let into his office at exactly 1400.

Lady T'Meni, Tuvok's mother, and Asil, Tuvok's daughter, had come on his behalf. On Kathryn's behalf, her mother Phoebe Janeway and her sister Lisa Janeway had come.

"You wanted to see us, Admiral." Lady T'Meni stated.

Kirk nodded. "Please take a seat."

"Admiral, are they dead or not?" Phoebe asked.

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