Warriors Shed Blood

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Three months flew by for Ro Tishito and Christian Kirk on Bajoran surface.

They had been taken in by Kai Opaka herself, assisting her during a special celebration in the temple itself.

But today, Christian would go out on his own.

He'd planned to find the shuttle he'd been forced to leave behind to retrieve anything that was possibly still usable.

Tishito wouldn't accompany him, since her wounds were still not completely healed.

"I regret I have to leave you behind, but I will return." and with that, he left the temple.

It was easy for the part-Vulcan to find his way back due to his strong memory.

The shuttle was still in its old place, even though it was slightly covered with sand.

The man entered the broken shuttle and started dismantling it, piece by piece. Searching for something he could still use to find his Illnoira.


"Do you wish to see it?" the Cardassian physician asked.

Illnoira's eyes were wide open. She'd just received the news that she was three-and-a-half months pregnant, with the third child of her husband.

"Yes, please." she replied, and the monitor was turned to her.

It only gave a grey toned image, but it was enough proof for the Cardassian woman that she was indeed pregnant. She had been throwing up quite frequently after her arrival on Terok Nor, which she'd disclaimed as a simple virus she'd picked up. So stubborn had she been, until Ipeni urged her to see a physician.

"Boy or girl?" the woman asked, turning to the female physician.

"It's a boy. Congratulations." the other female said, a sincere smile on her face.

"Thank you. Can I go back to my rooms?"

"You may. I'll set a date for your next check-up."


Later that day, when Illnoira was painting quite an expressionistic painting, Enabran Tain entered her rooms.

"The physician told me you're pregnant, and that it isn't full Cardassian." the commanding officer said.

The woman sighed. "You already deducted that I was an Hatorian bride, it's simply his."

"You still believe you belong with him." Tain stated. "I can't accept that."

"Then you're out of luck. I love my husband, and he loves me. I can feel it right here." and she ticked with her right index finger on her temple. "We have a mental connection."

"I hoped I could teach you how to be Cardassian, but maybe you need a different approach. Your biological parents and siblings are here to see you."

Illnoira huffed. "You can let them in, but I'm not quite interested in knowing them."

The Cardassian male left without another word.

Only a few seconds later, a Cardassian woman rushed in. "Illnoira!"

"There's no need for hysterics." the pregnant female said once the older woman stopped.

"I'm sorry, I just haven't seen you in 54 years." the older woman said.

"You may be the woman who gave birth to me, but that's of no significance." the Starfleet officer stated.

A tall man joined by her side. "You would say that to your own mother?!"

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