Caught Between Crossfire

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Odo was arranging the furniture to the millimetre. "One raktajino, extra hot, two measures of kava. Time?"

"Oh seven fifty nine hours." the female computer voice told.

The Changeling placed the mug precisely, with the handle towards the chair. Then, he waited a few moments.

After those moments, Kira entered.

"Good morning." She greeted him.

The security chief gave her a nod, acknowledging her presence. "Major."

Nerys sat down and took a sip of the drink. "So. How many have we got?"

"Sixteen items."

The Major rolled her head. "The station's criminal element has been busy this week."

"Nothing out of the ordinary. Three petty thefts, two incidents of disorderly conduct, one assault." Odo told, handing her a PADD.

Kira pulled a difficult face. "Ijarna's wife hit him again? Why does he stay with her?"

"Skip to item twelve."

The redhead frowned. "Public lewdness."

"The same night Ijarna reported the assault, I found him and his wife behind the information kiosk on the second level." as he said the last part of the sentence, he made a gesture.

The Bajoran skipped through to the other items on the list. "That answers my question. What about item seven?"

"One of my deputies caught Ojuy Gel scrawling political graffiti on a wall in section four."

Kira rolled her eyes. "He's always riled up about something, isn't he? What is it this time?"

"He was protesting First Minister Shakaar's upcoming visit to the station."

"He's been handing out leaflets saying Shakaar should drop the petition to join the Federation." the redhead mentioned.

"Leaflets are one thing, vandalism is quite another. Ojuy spent a night in a holding cell for his trouble, and I understand the Arbiter has sentenced him to three weeks community service on sanitation duty."

Nerys laughed. "Just make sure he scrubs that wall clean."



The senior officers had gathered at the airlock dressed in their dress uniforms to greet the First Minister.

"I don't see why Captain Sisko insists on having me here. I'm not a senior officer." the Chief Engineer complained to the Doctor.

Bashir just smiled. "Maybe he just wanted to see you in your dress uniform. It does show off your figure."

"Why, thank you."

Just that moment, Dax arrived.

"Good of you to make it, old man." the Captain greeted the Trill woman. "Shakaar's transport just docked."

Jadzia sighed. "Sorry. There were so many people on the Promenade it was hard to get through."

"I hope Shakaar's gotten better at speaking in front of groups. He used to mumble his way through mission briefings. Everyone in our resistance cell had to learn to lip read."

Just after the Bajoran was done speaking, the airlock opened up.

"Welcome to Deep Space Nine, Minister." Sisko greeted.

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