It's Just Us Now

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"How are we progressing?" Kathryn Janeway asked.

"We've gone safely into Badlands, but we might encounter problems ahead." the Bajoran woman with long straight brown hair covering her forehead and fell down her back. Her eyes were a strange shade of brown... for a Bajoran. "Plasma storms were measured at levels three and four."

"Thank you, Commander Meressa. The Cardassians gave us the last known heading of the Maquis ship, and we have charts of the plasma storm activity the day it disappeared. With a little help, we might be able to approximate its course. Mister Kim, inform the Ambassador to brace for impact."

One of the new Ensigns, also a former member of the Marquis, turned to the two of them. "I'd guess they were trying to get to one of the M-class planetoids in the Terikof Belt."

The first officer, Commander Cavit, frowned. "That's beyond the Moriya system."

"The plasma storms would have forced them in this direction." Meressa told as she looked on her station.

"Adjust our course to match."

The grey going man nodded. "Aye, Captain."

"Captain, what the Cardassians claimed, it's untrue." the female Lieutenant at the helm told. "They claimed they forced the Maquis ship into a plasma storm where it was destroyed, but our probes haven't picked up any debris."

"A plasma storm might not leave any debris." this comment was made by the former Marquis member.

The science officer snorted in a most inelegant way. "We would still be able to pick up a resonance trace from the warp core."

"Captain, I'm reading a coherent tetryon beam scanning us." said the Ensign at the Operation station.

"Origin, Mister Kim."

The Japanese looking man frowned as he looked on his monitors. "I'm not sure. There's also a displacement wave moving toward us."

"On screen." The female Captain ordered.

It was shown on the view screen that a narrow band of energy headed towards them.


"It is a kind of polarized magnetic variation." the Bajoran officer told. "I fear that a graviton particle field will not save us. The wave will intercept us in twelve seconds."

"Can we go to warp?" Janeway asked.

"Not until we clear the plasma field, Captain." the woman at the helm replied.

"Five seconds." Meressa counted down.

"Brace for impact!"

As the wave hit, Cavit was sent flying across the bridge and electrical sparks flew around as cables broke.


Once the wave was over, Kathryn looked over the bridge. It was a mess with broken conduits and shorting cables. She checked Cavit for a pulse. Nothing. "Report!"

"Hull breach on deck fourteen. Comm. lines to Engineering are down. Trying to re-establish." the Japanese Ensign said.

The Captain pressed the com button on her Captain's chair. "Repair crews, seal off hull breach on deck fourteen."

"Aye, Captain." the woman on the other side acknowledged.

"Casualty reports coming in. Sickbay is not responding." Ensign Rollins reported.

Again, the brunette Captain pressed the com button. "Bridge to Sickbay. Doctor, can you hear me? Paris, how's Stadi?"

Ensign Paris shook his head as he checked the woman for a pulse. "She's dead."

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