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"Here you are, Lieutenant." A crewwoman said as she handed over a PADD.

Torres took it from her, checking what was on it. "Thank you. Nice job, Ensign." Then she looked to another. "You keep the warp field that stable you might just get us home a few years early." And she went to the upper level.


As the chief engineer was climbing up, she heard Icheb say: "The Starfleet manual allows for a variance of point three."

"That's only a guideline. You can do better." Seven then said.

"I don't remember giving you permission to work here." B'Elanna interrupted them.

"I'm sorry, Lieutenant." the young boy apologized.

"I'm helping him study warp mechanics."

B' Elanna walked off the steps. "You should have notified me. It's a busy day, and I-" she had to stop speaking as she stumbled against Seven.

"Lieutenant?" the former Borg woman asked as she catched the half-Klingon.

"I'm fine." Torres said.

The astrophysics officer helped her to sit down while Icheb ran a scan over her.

"I'm detecting another lifesign." the boy informed them.

Seven of Nine frowned. "Where?"

"Inside Lieutenant Torres. It could be a parasite."

The blonde woman took the tricorder to check its readings before pressing her comm button. "Seven of Nine to the Doctor."

"Go ahead."

"I'll be accompanying Lieutenant Torres to Sickbay."

"What's wrong?" the EMH sounded concerned.

"I believe she's pregnant."

The chief engineer froze visiably.


The Doctor returned with the results of the scans. "The foetus appears to be about seven weeks old and doing quite well. So are you."

"Why did she faint?" Paris asked, only in sickbay because the Doctor had asked for his assistance with the scans on their Captain before B'Elanna had been brought in.

"Metabolisms in hybrids sometimes clash."

Torres snorted. "Tell me about it."

"It's not uncommon for such pregnancies to cause biochemical fluctuations in the mother."

"I hope it is not serious." Vorik commented,

The EMH shook his head. "Not usually. You can expect some behavioural volatility, increased nutritional needs. Creating new life is a big job."

"I can't believe it." the half-Klingon said, laying her head back down on the biobed.

The hologram frowned. "I don't mean to be indelicate but, weren't you trying to get pregnant?"

"We had discussed the topic of children, yes, but we had not planned on it this soon." the Vulcan honestly replied.

"Well, may I be the first to congratulate you."

"When is the baby due?" B'Elanna asked.

"Normally, Klingon pregnancies run thirty weeks. But with mixed species, it could be sooner." the Doctor replied. "Do you wish to know the gender?"

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