The Sword of Kahless

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Everyone was waiting in front of Sickbay for news to arrive. Everyone was dense.

"Uh... any idea how long that labor's gonna take?" Quark came to ask. "Your nerversity is keeping the costumers away since they want to know what's gonna happen. Oh, and the First Minister just left the station. Said he got a few things to think about."

"Really, that comment about Zophar was just not a good thing to do." Miles said. "The guy's great! He could make Chief in no time!"

"I'll put that recommendation on his file." Sisko said with a smile.

After a few more seconds, they heard the cries of a newborn baby.

The door got unlocked and Sayal's head popped outside. "Congrats everyone!" and the door was opened up wide.

The officers saw Worf hovering over his husband holding their child.

"Aww, he's so cute!" Jadzia squeeled.

"That he is." and the dark skinned human looked at the new parents. "Any idea how you're going to name him? You never told us about it."

"I already decided on it when I found out I was pregnant." Soval said, looking down upon his newborn son. "Denak shall be his name, Denak Benjamin."

The Captain was stunned. "I... feel honored."

Thalassa punched him hard on the shoulder. "You're part of the family now, don't be so damn formal about it."

The Admiral appeared calm and composed, but was laughing on the inside. "Congratulations, my sons. I hope it will bring you happiness."

"Thank you, father."


In Quark's bar, Kurn was throwing a party.

"I've never seen a Klingon this generous, but I'm not complaining." Quark said as he poored another glass of Bajoran Moba juice.

"Well, his nephew was born only minutes ago. That is a reason for celebrations." Thalassa commented. "This is normal for Klingons when a child is born in their House."

And while drinks were drowned and food was devoured, the audience listened to the story that the Klingon male was telling them. "Walls of fire on one side, rivers of lava on the other. They snaked our way through the hot, smoldering canyon, their skin so parched and blistered it was thick as armour. Kang and Koloth and Kor had set out with forty legions and now only we three remained to take on T'nag's army."

"You know what I like about Klingon stories, Commander? Nothing. Lots of people die and nobody makes any profit." The Ferengi said, refilling the female engineer's glass with ice tea.

"Chanting a battle cry Koloth attacked their flank his eyes bulging with hate and revenge. It was a magnificent sight. A disruptor in one hand and his bat'leth in the other, Kor saw him kill two dozen men. He'll never forget"

The Doctor pointed at Kurn. "Do you believe a word of this?"

Odo huffed. "Walking along rivers of lava, past walls of fire? Not likely."

Kira was shaking her head. "And three against an army? Even more unlikely."

Miles shrugged. "Yeah, but who cares? He tells it well."

"Kang took the high ground and, keeping the three suns to his back, he forced the enemy to fight him against the blinding light. Who got the credit is of no important. What matters is this, in the end the mountainside was covered with dead so that not a square metre of ground could be seen. They found T'nag's body by the river, its waters red with blood. Which of them had slain him, no one could say for certain. So they cut out his heart and all three of us feasted on it together."

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