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The homecoming of Voyager was highly celebrated in the entire Alpha quadrant.

Finally, after seven years being stranded in the Delta quadrant, they were home.

All family members of the people who were alive had been informed about the festivities that would be given when the crew would come down from Voyager.

The ship itself would be taken in by space dock engineers and upgraded since it had missed all major maintenance in the past years.


It was almost time for her to beam down to the surface, but she was still looking out over Earth through the window of her quarters.

"Kathryn, it is our time to leave." Tuvok said, holding their adopted half-Borg daughter.

The Captain nodded. "I know. I'm glad to be back, but I don't wish to lose contact with anyone. Seven years was just a bit too long to not get attached."

"I understand your destress. But I am certain that none wants that."

Kathryn smiled. "You always have made me feel secure, don't ever leave."

The Vulcan's dark hand took her pale one. "I promised to be with you as long as you live, my wife, and our children are my reminder of that promise."


Phoebe Janeway was just as anxious as any other mother currently standing in the waiting area. But not only the parents of Starfleet officers were waiting, also the parents of former Maquis members that were still on Voyager.

There were Bajoran, Klingon, Bolian, Betazoid, Vulcan and human families scattered throughout the hall.

The Fleet Admiral was there too, not only for the speech, but also to see his two daughters, his son-in-law and his granddaughter. His remaining wife Wiv was standing by his side.

"I don't know how that man handles his broken family." Lisa said, looking at Admiral Kirk.

The Dominion war had taken many lives, including the life of Meressa Alenis, who'd been killed by a Changeling undercover in an attempt on the Fleet Admiral's life. She'd taken the shot meant for her husband.

Also, Captain Benjamin Sisko was still missing and there was no more wormhole in Bajoran space. The man never knew his daughter Jennifer, whose mother was the Admiral's daughter Thalassa.

"He's the strongest person Starfleet has known up till now." Mrs. Janeway said.

Then, people began materializing.

Gamma shift and Beta shift officers would beam down first, six at once.

And of course, senior officers would come down at last.


Kathryn Janeway picked up Shannon from the ground. "Is everything ready?"

Chakotay nodded. "Maintanance crew is ready to beam up and upgrade the systems."

The brunette nodded. "Good. Who's down there to great you?"

"A few old Maquis friends, my mother and my sister... and I've got to face the Admiral."

The Captain laughed. "He's not that scary once you get to know him. I'll see you in a couple of days, I'm going back to my birthplace in Indiana."

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