Klingons & Cardassians

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It was supposed to be a normal day in Ops, but it was disturbed.

"Benjamin, we've got some unexpected company." and Dax pointed at the Klingon ship on the viewscreen. "It's just decloaked."

Sisko took a look at it. "Ah. The new Klingon flagship."

"The Negh'Var. There's a General Martok on board asking to speak with you." the Trill woman said.

"Put him through."

The Klingon General appeared on the viewscreen. "Captain Sisko. I bring greetings from your allies in the Klingon Empire."

"Welcome to Deep Space Nine, General. Is there something I can do for you?" the dark skinned male asked.

"It has been a long journey. My men require shore leave." the warrior said.

"Certainly. They can come aboard any time they like."

General Martok gave something that was the equivalent of a Klingon smile. "Good. Sowee tah."

And that was the moment that an entire Klingon fleet shimmered into view.


"So, what brings you here, General?" Sisko asked as they stood in the wardroom, Major Kira and Lieutenant Soval in his presence.

"A valid question. But first, let us be sure we are all who we say we are." and Martok cut the palm of his hand with his dagger, letting the red blood drip onto the table.

"You think we're Changelings?" the Bajoran Major asked.

"What I think doesn't matter. The blood will tell the truth." the Klingon insisted.

The Captain took the dagger from the General and cut himself in his handpalm before handing the dagger over to his fellow officers.

Kira hesitated, so Soval took it from the senior officer.

"It won't hurt." the half-Bajoran said as he took Nerys's hand, their eyes making contact.

The brunette let out a breath before the other officer cut her hand, her red blood flowing out for a few drops to end up on the table.

"Thank you." the Major said with a smile.

The Lieutenant nodded before cutting his own hand. Green drops fell onto the table next to Kira's red ones.

"Now that that's over with." and the dark skinned officer looked at the Klingon.

"We have been sent here to fight alongside our Federation allies against the Dominion."

"I appreciate your gesture, but I'm not sure it's necessary." Sisko said.

Martok gave them a skeptic look. "The Klingon High Council thinks it is."

"Our communications relay in the Gamma Quadrant hasn't detected any signs of Jem'Hadar activity for quite some time. They seem to be giving the wormhole a wide berth."

"They will come. And when they do, we will be ready for them."


It was soon after breakfast that Commander Thalassa Kirk made her way over the Promenade in her Starfleet uniform on her way to the Engineering section she was assigned to for the day. She was walking past Quark's when she heard the yells.

"So far away from the Ionite nebula. So what is it that you do on this station?" it was a Klingon male who spoke, whom the half-Klingon could only see from behind.

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