Chapter 15: Even doppelgangers get depressed as fuck.

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The morning star awoke as Zuri's eyes got weighed down, preparing for sleep but she wouldn't let them. Zuri wouldn't leave her day-one no matter what. Her dad knocked... once...twice... a third time then let himself in.
"Hey Z" he greeted
"No. No dad that's for me and Gemma only" she jumped awake and vigorously shook her head.
"Young girls. How is she anyway."
"She's ok dad. Last night she did say she might sleep in" Zuri lied. He walked over to her and sighed. He removed the strands of hair from the sleeping assassin's forehead and sighed.
"I really hope she gets well soon. She's like the personality among us."
"Really now".
He giggled in response and stood up scratching the back of his neck.
"So I've got a couple of thousand errands to run. I trust you will take care of EVERYTHING and... isn't it about time to fetch Shadow from the reserve?"
"I think its too soon." She quickly replied and felt her heart's crack get deeper.
"Is there something wrong. Usually you'd be happy." He worried
"Its okay dad. Im just equally worried about Gemma."
"I ... ok if you need anything, you know where the money is" and with that he left to attend to his errands.

Dad is a busy man these days. He tries to give us time and attention but I see its too hard for him. Poor man.

Poor Gemma. Poor Midnight Shadow. Poor Zuri Ingrid Nyx.

An hour later, Gemma stirred and awoke. A wide smile spread from her mouth, filling her face but it quickly disappeared.
"Hey. " Gemma greeted
"Hi. How do you feel? "
"Im... ok I guess"
"Im glad to hear that. I know you haven't slept." Gemma stated as she stood up and patted a spot on the bed.
"Sleep. I'll watch over you"
Reluctantly Zuri obeyed.

She would have to tell her sometime soon. Gemma thought of a way out of this but none came into mind. Her mind was clouded by meaningless thoughts. The more she thought about it, the more tears pilled up. Her phone rang in the kitchen, where she left it yesterday or was it the previous day. Trotting down stairs she wiped away her tears and answered the phone.

"Hello" it was Josh
" I tried calling last night is everything ok"
Gemma went silent then broke into a cry
"No. No its not. Everything is messed up. Its fucked up ok. Nothing... is ok." She smashed her phone on the kitchen counter. Gemma cried, in a fetal position and cried.

I cant do it. I cant do it. I dont wanna do it. Why must I do it. No no no please no let this be a dream no. I dont wanna kill her. I...I cant.
Where's mom. Mom. Mom.
Please she's is all I have nowadays. Zuri.

Zuri came down the stairs, heard sobbing in the kitchen and rushed over. Gemma was still in a fetal position.
"G? What's wrong."
"Z. I...I'm sorry"
"What. Sorry for what"
"Z. The person you're supposed to assassinate, -" she broke into a cry, crying on Zuri's shoulder.
"Who is it" Zuri asked
"Me" she whispered

The doppelgangers were silent and looked each other in the eye thinking the same thing. CAVENDISH SET THIS UP! !

Zuri's phone rang. She reluctantly picked it up "Zuri, hello"
"Hey umm... where's Gemma?"
"What's it to you?"
"Zuri she is my girlfriend my chibi"
"So" she snapped
So I need to kno- " she hung up and powered off her phone.

It began pouring outside. The girl watched horror movies in silence eating ice-cream from one tub with coffee on the glass table waiting to be consumed. The large green blanket kept them warm along with the neatly knitted scarfs they wore matching the color of the rain clouds outside.

"It doesn't have to be this way you know" Zuri began
"What do you mean." Gemma gasped
"Think about it G. Ever since day-one its been me and you vs the world"


The sound of laughter filled her ears. Kids in primary school had no mercy. Especially wgen you're the new kid. "Hahaha what kind of a name is Gemma. Get a real name. " and they poked and jeered at her.
"So what if she has a weird name. Leave her alone"
"What are you gonna do if we dont girly"
Zuri resonded with a punch and a kick. He cried and ran screaming "ma'am she puch me"
"You're so awesome" Gemma praised when the crowds were gone.
" You can be too... wow you look like me"

End of flashback

"Those were the days and they still are" Zuri said in tears
"No. No. No and you know it too" Gemma bit her lip
"Gemma... we cant... let Cavendish... drive us apart."
"What will we do Z. We cant kill Cavendish even if we tried. He will kill us both."

Depression hit them like an asteroid. Reality struck like lightning.
"I'll be back "

Thanx for reading lovely wattpadders.Hope you enjoyed this part and the book so far. Please comment and share with other s who also might enjoy the book please

STAY SAFE ASSASSINS you never know

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