Chapter 19: The Bloodbeast

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White wit braced for pain and grimaced but non came. Her ears picked up the sound of bars swinging open, she forced herself to look at the officer and spat
"What do you want!" 

"Gemma Cortez. I wouldn't be saying that to me." The officer was adored by the jetblack uniform. Metal tipped boots, bullet-proof vest protected her chest. The shot gun she cradled in one arm had one bullet left. She took off the gas mask that disguised her face.
"You stole my face" an unforgettable voice whispered
"Wait... Zuri is that you? I had it first." Gemma smiled inwardly. Outward smiling would be too painful
"Of course its me. Queens who slay together, stay together."
"Every time you rescue me. Since we were kids you've been saying that." Gratitude lingered in her voice as Zuri dragged her out of the cell and into a cold corner.
"Can you walk?"
"My entire body is in pain and if I flinch in the slightest. Body go OWWW."
"So thats a no?"
"Yes thats a no."
Zuri meditated in thought. She closed her eyes and envisioned neutrons firing, her brain throbbing.
"I can only stay here till you get better."
"Thats insanity. Zuri find a better plan."
"Fine." Zuri agreed and zoned out.

A cold,  hard laugh echoed down the metal corridors. Not just any laugh, the kind that made your blood run cold and made the hairs on the back of your neck stand up so straight rulers seem skew. The bold laugher got closer.
"Bullets dont work on me. I'll just heal the wound." His voice seemed to drown the crackle of thunder. Zuri stripped off the uniform revealing the black assassins coat and drew her dark blade, prepared for battle.

The bald rip-off Dwayne Johnson called himself officer Borris.
"Girls,  if a bullet doesn't do much whats a sword gonna do?" Borris boast
"Zuri go." Gemma commanded. It was ignored
"Zuri I said go." She echoed herself
"I ignored you just fine the first time." Zuri countered.

The cop spread a villainous grin across his defined face as his it became more defined. Hair sprout from his skin, nails and teeth grew sharper, longer, harder. Two dark purple tails slithered out his back to match his changed eyes. The beast growled from within flexing his more defined muscles.

He leapt for Zuri at a blinding speed. The assassin barely dodged, her hip getting raked. She grunted in pain as she took out shuriken, throwing them towards him. The weapons did nothing to the beast, he charged again. Zuri ran, used the wall to thrust herself into a backflip. Her leg slipped through his claws as she executed an axe kick that rammed the purple furball into the metal wall with a gong. He spun around, the black assassin slit Borris' chest.  The Bloodbeast stared at the cut as it mended itself. She tried a punch but he caught it.
"Justice shall prevail. "
Zuri spat in his eye. He roared and gut punched her and as she flew, grabbed her feet, yanking her back, claws wrapped around her neck. Zuri coughed blood, desperately needing oxygen. Blood tricked down her neck and hip as pain surged through her body. Gemma felt helpless, pitiful, angry, sad. He threw her next to Gemma like a stick. Whipped her with one of his tails. Zuri was coated in her own blood, staring at nothing in particular.
"Zuri are you okay.  I told you to run." Gemma whispered
"I'm not leaving you. Gemma I cant move I think"
"Paralysed you are assassin. A Bloodbeast's tails have that abilities. Justice and vengeance are served today. A life for a life."
"You cant kill assassins!" Gemma barked in complete rage. Pure rage.
"Your pitiful rage wont do anything.  Now..."
His body grew larger, claws even sharper, two more tails sprouted from behind, his eyes went a darker shade of purple, a muzzle replaced his mouth.

"Justice for my fallen family. "
"No. Fuck this shit."
Borris whirled around to see Gemma gripping her katana and the curse rapidly spreading like wildfire. A blue barrier formed around her and extended into a rattlesnake. It hissed out Gemma's savage angry emotions.

"Its gonna take more than a blue rattlesnake to stop a Bloodbeast. " he growled, on all fours
"Im sure a rattlesnake is all I need to kill a four-tailed purple oversized mutt."
"We'll see."

Bloodlust evaloped Gemma's sense of control at the sight of her paralysed friends.

Thanx again for the read lovely wattpadder hope you enjoyed the update. Please comment and share with other lovely wattpadders out there.

STAY SAFE ASSASSINS you never know

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